How soon does the first post get approved my moderators?


New Member
May 18, 2012
So I replied to a thread about a few days ago, and the message awaiting moderator approval came up, I've seen similar messages in other boards so I decided to wait patiently for its approval. The next day however I came back to the thread and couldn't find my reply, not even the message saying my post was awaiting approval. Naturally I though my post might have been disapproved. I checked if I broke any form of rule, but couldn't find anything. I then looked at my profile to check for and mod message or alert, in fact nothing in my profile page says I've posted anything. I went back to checked the rules in the announcement page in case I needed to make my first post in a new user thread or something, but found no info there.

At this point, I just assumed I must have misremembered posting, and went and replied again to the same thread. Now the same thing has happened.

So, I'm just wondering am I shadow banned or something?
So I replied to a thread about a few days ago, and the message awaiting moderator approval came up, I've seen similar messages in other boards so I decided to wait patiently for its approval. The next day however I came back to the thread and couldn't find my reply, not even the message saying my post was awaiting approval. Naturally I though my post might have been disapproved. I checked if I broke any form of rule, but couldn't find anything. I then looked at my profile to check for and mod message or alert, in fact nothing in my profile page says I've posted anything. I went back to checked the rules in the announcement page in case I needed to make my first post in a new user thread or something, but found no info there.

At this point, I just assumed I must have misremembered posting, and went and replied again to the same thread. Now the same thing has happened.

So, I'm just wondering am I shadow banned or something?

If I correctly remember, I was ill at the time, so did not come in,

never heard of shadow bans

Happened to me once. If I had to guess: a mod deleted it silently.

we do not silently delete, it is the default mechanism

samw ith me make a thread reply posting
always delete my postings

i dont know what happens

chances are you may not be posting properly,

several reasons most common follows

keep repeating the same thing
cash links
posting in the wrong place
and lack of info
If I correctly remember, I was ill at the time, so did not come in,

never heard of shadow bans

we do not silently delete, it is the default mechanism

chances are you may not be posting properly,

several reasons most common follows

keep repeating the same thing
cash links
posting in the wrong place
and lack of info

how become to MEMBER OF AKIBA
my stats always new member
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