I can't open some JPG files.


Akiba Citizen
Sep 13, 2015
So I can open the vast majority of JPG files, but some just refuse to open, no matter what program I use. I use the basic Windows one by default (I've got Windows 10) and when I try to open one of those JPG files I get this error message:


The photos are displayed on the sites that I download them from without any issues, but when I save them this is what happens, plus they don't even have a thumbnail/preview when viewed in the folder. Additionally, the weird thing is that other photos from the same site open just fine.

Any ideas?
Can you attach a sample for a file that's not working in your post or give us a link to the website in question and specify one that doesn't work? We can't say much from what you said.

The only things that come to mind is that either they're not really jpg and your software rely too much on the extension or it's corrupt and your software can't handle it.

Personally, I use xnviewmp for picture viewing.
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First off, thanks for the reply! :)

Secondly, sure, I can give you the site/link (and whatever else you need just let me know)! Here is the exact same photo that I was talking about in my first post:


It's part of an album that's got 120 photos, and the vast majority of them can be opened just fine after saved, but if I save that one, I get that error when I try to open it.

And lastly, I tried xnviewmp, but it couldn't open those JPG files either.
It works fine on win7, even with the windows built-in preview.

Are you downloading it using the gear icon and selecting download or some other way? Try with the gear icon, maybe it doesn't download properly for some reason if you do it some other way.
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I usually just right click and hit "Save as...", but I used the gear icon this time around and it worked! :D Thank you! I still don't know what to do when it comes to the JPG files that I didn't download from that site, because there is no DL button when it comes to those sites... so I guess I'll just have to figure out which photos were downloaded from where using my browser history then maybe use print screen or something to get those ones... Just thinking out loud here. Thanks again! :)
Glad to hear it fixed it for this one.

You could try with a different browser or by simply dragging and dropping the picture. I don't know what's causing this, probably a certain set of circumstances that's problematic for some reason, but trying in a different way could fix it(or not).
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Yeah, I'll try a couple of things. :) And I really appreciate the help! Thanks to you, I managed to recover around 20 photos easily! :D
Usually happens when the file is corrupted (then have to be downloaded again) or when its name is written in special characters (non Ascii characters), like in Korean, Japanese, etc., then you simply have to rename them.
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XNviewMP or any software that support unicode will be able to open them even if they have non Ascii characters.
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its happened with my windows too, I think its becaused some crash in the OS, sometimes disk check & repair can solve this problem, but sometimes need to re install the OS to fix it :(
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