Just downloaded what for me, at least, is a rare find..Yumi Kazama not only taking it in the rear, but actually being DPed! I think that question came up once before on whether she had done anal, and while she has hinted such on box covers, I . at least had never seen that in any of her movies. The movie in question is from 2005, IESP-123 found on javlibrary, As i say, for me, this was an epic find, and while I have to remember what a friend of mine from Japan always reminds me, "it's all just acting"..she really does take a pounding in this one! Another distinction is, unlike most gangbang movies, the ravaged woman does not begin to begin to enjoy all this near the back half of the movie. I must admit, while it is mosaiced, it does appear she is taking it in both holes, and by the way, looks great!