i need help, who can read japanese? please identify the woman beside from aoi tsukasa. SSPD-130.


New Member
Feb 1, 2017
please. i need to know if the woman is really an AV model. i attached few scenes from SSPD-130. i believe the words means the cast name, right? i tried using OCR but doesn't seem near. LOL.
thanks in advance.


  • cbox1s_sspd-130.mp4_20170202_030115.193.jpg
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She's lovely! (And... looks familiar, too.)

Next time, Bromalayan, consider embedding your photos instead of providing them as attachments, to save your puzzle-solvers from needlessly clicking... as so:

SSPD-130.jpg ... SSPD-130-1.jpg

(Click "Upload a File" below the text box, place your mouse cursor where you would like the photo to appear, and then choose either "Thumbnail" or "Full image." Also consider a "Snipping Tool" program that allows you to crop out the essential part of a photograph.)

From this post: "Have your video-frame or photo grab program at the ready. They are all over the place, Windows has its built-in number (e.g. "Snipping Tool"); I like MWSnap. Some video players have this tool built in, such as Windows Media Classic. (WMC is beautiful, it also allows one to create thumbnails. Codegeek points to the how-to in the signature of his posts.)"

JAVs are notorious for not crediting Side Ladies. Of the two other credits provided:

SSPD-130  Creds.jpg

The first one belongs to the actor who plays the villain, whom we know as the Creep.

The second one probably belongs to the actor who plays the husband, If so, the only way we are going to get to the bottom of your l'il darlin' is if somebody recognizes her.

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thank you for the reply. sorry jugulear. i'm new. :) anyway, i had found the AV model. she is Aida Nana (愛田奈々). and the scene is taken as from RBD-445. replying here if someone want to know
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Great work, Bro! (And of course you needed to provide the answer — including any other relevant information — for your own thread if you came up with the answer, because we must always assume there are people who would want to know.)

My God! I LOVE Nana Aida. No wonder she looked so familiar...

(Ohhhhh... so her appearance in SSPD-130 was actually a "flashback" sort of thing from her starring role in RBD-445. Fascinating! And how wonderful that you were able to spot that little detail, bravo.)

How interesting. See the link for the post that I had provided under the "More on Snipping" spoiler button, in my post above? What were the chances that only two posts above that (or here), I had written a post where I had highlighted Nana?

(I didn't realize you were brand new to Akiba-Online... welcome! Hopefully we will hear from you in more than on the I.D. section, in the future.)