[IDed]奴隷華菜 Dorei Kana

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jav fisting connoisseur
Apr 29, 2009
i am searching for more pix and flix of slave kana, an amateur japanese sub, who made a splash on japanese websites in 2009 [and probably before] and quickly disappeared - her website is defunct and disabled - she released a number of pix and flix.

zool wants to post more of those pix and flix and wants to do a systematic search through japanese websites to come up with as many of those pix and flix as possible

i have enclosed five pix - the first two pix have japanese script of what i have always assumed is "slave kana" in japanese and the other three pix have "slave kana" in japanese on "fisting - something or another"

here's the pix:

please provide a translations and the actual japanese script - i will then do a more thorough search through japanese sites for slave kana pix and flix
The writing on the first two pics is 奴隷華菜 or "Dorei Kana". Indeed Dorei = Slave in japanese.

In the other pics it is written 奴隷華菜 on フィスト大好き = Dorei Kana on Fist Daisuki (I love fisting).

Looking for her name makes you find websites like this one:


About dead websites, there is always a possibility to look at archive.org:


But there is no warranty that any pictures were saved there.

Hope it helps. :hi:
thax to elgringo14 - partial success already . . .

the links i have been able to thus far uncover have yielded some partial success.

here's two new pix of slave kana [奴隷華菜 or "Dorei Kana"] i found:


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