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Dec 10, 2008
i need this artist artworks.if you have come across his artworks,please tell me.
if you can just translate whats on this page maybe the name it will be great.

the pic is too small, and hubble is just under maintenance...
Hmm, looks like a decent-enough artist but it's one I don't know that I've ever heard of before. Interesting.

Artist name: ひらつらまさる = Hiratsura Masaru
First story's name: フラストレーションさおりさん = Frustration Saori-san
Second story's name: マジックマサージやよいさん = Magic Massage Yayoi-san

There's more to the titles than this, but I think that if you were to search for the stories by their chapter names that you're best bet would be to search with what I've given you.

By the way, next time, post this in Hentai Requests. Thanks.

Edit: Some more information --
thread moved
Dammit, it looks like this guy's work is mostly futa. >_< Or at least I'm guessing it is. The one story that /rs/ had which isn't listed as yaoi featured a flat-chested futanari. Blagh. And I'm guessing the others are like that too.

So ... either this is futa, or it's "dudes with boobs." One or the other.

And that's probably why I've never gotten acquainted with this artist's work. XD He probably publishes in a GLBT magazine or in a futa magazine.
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