Hey all. Since I know this board is the pro at this kind of stuff gonna give it a try.
Before the internet exploded (especially with porn) there was only a small number of websites of erotic material. Back in the day, there was some japan babe site that had a picture of a woman in her 20s-30s that was dressed in white stockings and she was bending over towards a teddybear facing left and pointing towards it. Does anyone recall this pic? Tiger babe something. It's somewhere its not too rare hmm. If you find please post it (and who is she)
Before the internet exploded (especially with porn) there was only a small number of websites of erotic material. Back in the day, there was some japan babe site that had a picture of a woman in her 20s-30s that was dressed in white stockings and she was bending over towards a teddybear facing left and pointing towards it. Does anyone recall this pic? Tiger babe something. It's somewhere its not too rare hmm. If you find please post it (and who is she)