Looks like something got "Lost in Translation," Codegeek; when this thread was transferred from "Discussion," I see not only has Supmop's thread-originating post moved out of first place (it is currently Post #3), but a post of mine gently reminding Supmop of being in the wrong section also did not survive the transition. (So what we're really talking about is "Lost in Transition.") Supmop sweetly replied to my post, and that post of his is now also gone. He was even kind enough to give my post a "Like," and I imagine that has disappeared, as well. (Hey. Wait a minute, that is going too far..!)
At least Rie Kumiko has corroborated that the actress is indeed Yurina Ayashiro. Now all we've got to do is find a way to take that guy in the photograph out, and replace him with CoolKevin. (Once we do that, knowing how cool our great moderator is, I am sure Yurina will be in Seventh Heaven. And please do not compliment me on my great poetic skills.)