Identity of cute young girl who appears in ANIX-03, TBB-57, TDLN-140, TSWN-030


New Member
Jul 14, 2013
There's this GIGA superheroine movies actress that appears as an extra in ANIX-03, and as a villainess in TBB-57, TDLN-140 and TSWN-030. She's always missing in GIGA's website information cards and usually missing in end credits of the videos. Although I have spotted her in the credits of TBB-57 with the name "ネコ安子" (Neko Anko?) googling that name gave irrelevant results; so maybe she has a another more common name?
I don't think she has adult scenes, but she might be some gravure model so maybe asking her name is worth a shot. Here are some screencaps:



Edit: After seeing her face on another release where she's the main actress, I think she must be Yui Komine. But I'm still not quite sure, Yui Komine's lips and nose look slightly bigger. Is it just because she's older in the GIGA videos? -- Edit2: I've noticed Yui's earlobes are free while this girl's earlobes are attached, so false alarm.
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