Image hosts in violation of AO policy


Mar 19, 2009
The image host used by AO user pa55ion is in violation of AO policy.

Here is the post I am referring to, but pa55ion posts a lot of torrents using image hosts, so this is just one example.

The image host names are "" and "," although they appear to be one-in-the-same company.

When I click on these thumbnails on my MacBook Air (Yosemite) using the latest version of Firefox with pop-ups disabled and GlimmerBlocker installed, I first get this window.

スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 12.56.04.png
At this point, the image host already violates AO policy, because I am forced to click the "Continue to image" link. Needless to say, when I do so, I get a pop-under.
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 12.56.19.png
Yes, that's a 1x1 pixel GIF. I have no idea what that's about. Probably a bug.
And of course clicking on the "Continue to image" once link does not show me the image. I have to click it one more time. When I do, I get another pop-under that is another 1x1 pixel GIF. But now it finally does show me my image. Sort of.
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 12.56.41.png
I have to scroll down.
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 12.56.46.png
And as you can see, the right side of the image is blocked by the ad on the right. I have to click on the "X" to get rid of that.

I suspect that many mods do not realize that virtually every image host used by spammers like pa55ion on AO actually violate AO policy, and I think they do not realize it because they have their PCs carefully configured to block this sort of spam. Most users, though, don't have that sort of configuration. I get these pop-ups and pop-unders and redirects even though I am trying to block them.

Users like pa55ion use image hosts to make money. Image hosts that pay money ALL use these tricks that violate AO policy.

For this reason, I once again request that image hosts be banned from AO. With AO's easy to use and elegant file attachment system, there is simply no excuse to use image hosts, except to spam. I respect Chompy's right to make money off this site, but I don't think he created this site to be a spam-magnet for anyone who wants to make money off of Chompy's members.

I will post other offending image hosts to this thread as I encounter them. Thank you.
ZoneZeed is another prominent spammer whose image host is in violation of AO policy.

Here is the sample post:

The image host is ""

When I click on the thumbnail, it appears briefly that I will be shown the image right away. However, the window is immediately dimmed and I get this message:
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 13.38.08.png
You can guess what happens when I click the "Close X." Yes, I get two pop-under ads:
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 13.38.25.png
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 13.38.28.png
I did not get the pop unders, for picexposed,

warning sent on first post and third post
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The image host used by AO spammer orzer ( also seems to violate AO policy. When I click on the thumbnail, the window that pops up is dimmed with a "Skip to content" button in the upper righthand corner.
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 14.00.26.png
I have to click on this to be shown the image properly. When I do, I get a pop-under ad.
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 14.00.50.png


  • スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 14.00.50.png
    スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 14.00.50.png
    2.4 MB · Views: 114
I deleted the ones I got with pop unders, but I do not have the same problems as you get, so it is very hard for me to tell
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I deleted the ones I got with pop unders, but I do not have the same problems as you get, so it is very hard for me to tell
please disable your adblock :)
adblock will block nearly 100% of popups etc :)

the 1x1 pixel is probably a bug, associated with your adblocker. Some of them will just replace the ads on a 1x1px size Image - so that there is in the adds-tag & the normal "test" for existence of the ad-blog is still valid - so no overlays which say, you have to disable your adblocker
This may sound strange, but I do not like to use an ad blocker. Sites like AO rely on advertising income, and I want to support that. I even sometimes randomly click ads just to show my support for the site that runs the ads. (I do it on AO, too.)

To test how the image hosts behave, though, I installed Adblock Plus. To be sure, it eliminates the pop-unders and pop-ups. But it also eliminates many of the ads that Chompy has placed on the site. In fact, I know that there is supposed to be a porn ad right above this input window, because I saw one on almost every page until I installed the Adblock Plus. Now, even though there's clearly a space there were an ad belongs, I can't see it...despite the fact that I turned Adblock Plus off. It's actually kind of creepy. I can right-click the space and open the frame where the ad should be in a new window, and I can see the URL of the ad, but I can't see the ad. I don't know how Chompy would feel about a majority of his users being unable to see the ads he puts here. So I would rather not use an ad blocker, and I don't believe the site should be run on the premise that every user has an ad blocker installed. This is something you may want to take into consideration when deciding which image hosts are acceptable and which aren't.
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 20.38.14.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 20.48.22.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 20.48.32.png
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AO spammer Daid Kern uses an image host,, that violates AO policy. As with some other image hosts I listed above, this one forces me to click a "Continue to image..." button, which results in a pop-under appearing. The rule specifically states that an image on the host must be shown immediately with one click on the thumbnail. Any site that makes me click again to see the content violates the rule. It seems pretty straightforward to me.

スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 20.59.20.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 20.59.07.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 20.59.01.png
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This may sound strange, but I do not like to use an ad blocker. Sites like AO rely on advertising income, and I want to support that. I even sometimes randomly click ads just to show my support for the site that runs the ads. (I do it on AO, too.)
thank you :)
but this part was directed to coolkevin, not you :)

To test how the image hosts behave, though, I installed Adblock Plus. To be sure, it eliminates the pop-unders and pop-ups. But it also eliminates many of the ads that Chompy has placed on the site. In fact, I know that there is supposed to be a porn ad right above this input window, because I saw one on almost every page until I installed the Adblock Plus. Now, even though there's clearly a space there were an ad belongs, I can't see it...despite the fact that I turned Adblock Plus off. It's actually kind of creepy. I can right-click the space and open the frame where the ad should be in a new window, and I can see the URL of the ad, but I can't see the ad. I don't know how Chompy would feel about a majority of his users being unable to see the ads he puts here. So I would rather not use an ad blocker, and I don't believe the site should be run on the premise that every user has an ad blocker installed. This is something you may want to take into consideration when deciding which image hosts are acceptable and which aren't.
View attachment 282216 View attachment 282218 View attachment 282219
yes. you have to set an exception for the whole site :)

the problem is, that every image-hoster that will pay you money for views, will have lots of Popups (since this is the main source of income)
there are other image-hosters out there, that doesn't have that much of ads.
e.g. directupload or my own one (atm i don't even have any ads, but i doubt anyone would like to use it - since they won't earn anything)
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stepped up the pop-ups on the image hosters, deleted many and issued warnings
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Spammer aqqwe uses an image host ( that violates AO a very serious way.
It presents a screen that says "This Image Contains Adult Content..." and forces you to click "Enter" or "Leave." If you click "Enter," it spews several pop-ups and pop-unders at you.
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.10.08.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.10.16.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.10.34.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.10.41.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.10.46.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.10.58.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.11.09.png
The really scary part, though, is what happens if you click "Leave." When you click "Leave," it not only spews ads at you, it tries to trick you into downloading some file titled "MPlayerX.dmg." If I had clicked "OK" without thinking (as I think a lot of people would), who knows what would have ended up on my computer?
スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.16.26.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.16.30.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.16.35.png スクリーンショット 2014-11-14 21.16.49.png
thank you :)
but this part was directed to coolkevin, not you :)
Yes, I know. I just wanted to see what the difference would be if I used an ad blocker. :)
the problem is, that every image-hoster that will pay you money for views, will have lots of Popups (since this is the main source of income)
there are other image-hosters out there, that doesn't have that much of ads.
e.g. directupload or my own one (atm i don't even have any ads, but i doubt anyone would like to use it - since they won't earn anything)
Well, that's sort of my whole point. AO doesn't exist to let random spammers earn income, does it? Members who want to share images with other members can do so very easily, without subjecting other members to annoying pop-ups and viruses.
Well, that's sort of my whole point. AO doesn't exist to let random spammers earn income, does it? Members who want to share images with other members can do so very easily, without subjecting other members to annoying pop-ups and viruses.

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I don't know if pinzira got a warning, but he switched to a new image host ( that is just "" with a different name. Same interface. It presents me with a darkened screen, forces me to click "Close X," throws a pop-under ad at me, blah, blah, blah. pinzira knows what he's doing. Even after being warned, he is using image hosts that he knows violate AO rules. Is it unreasonable to expect these guys to be banned?