Kawamura Miruku (河村みるく).
Born in 2000-04-16, is 153cm tall.
Released in 2018-01-10 it seems.
1080p is 5.70GB
720p is 1.70GB
The title 等身大 means Tōshindai which means Life-size. So it's a Life-size Miruku, sounds good to me
The, most likely (?), DVD version is IMTS-017.
Not my original file, so I don't have the ISO or other versions available. Just converted this 720p version.
Can anyone FIND better cover picture for this movie? I've only been able to find this cover which looks like more like somekind of commercial banner or something, I wonder is there any other covers available? Would be nice to get if there is.
Born in 2000-04-16, is 153cm tall.
Released in 2018-01-10 it seems.
1080p is 5.70GB
720p is 1.70GB
The title 等身大 means Tōshindai which means Life-size. So it's a Life-size Miruku, sounds good to me
The, most likely (?), DVD version is IMTS-017.
Not my original file, so I don't have the ISO or other versions available. Just converted this 720p version.
Can anyone FIND better cover picture for this movie? I've only been able to find this cover which looks like more like somekind of commercial banner or something, I wonder is there any other covers available? Would be nice to get if there is.