Indonesia Bans Tumblr

Yep, censorship in Indonesia is getting to be the same as many Middle Eastern countries (and for the same reason). It is even possible to get arrested for kissing in public.....yeah, you heard me right, just a public display of affection to your loved can be enough to get you arrested. It is on the law books. Also illegal: women showing their navels or shoulders, and people sunbathing in bikinis or swimwear. They call it....pornoaction. Fuck the Indonesian government. They ban books now too, of course. And people bitch about my country but at least going to the beach here is a feast for a mans' eyes. Indonesia is a country ripe for a civil war and it couldn't happen to a nicer country. I feel sorry for the people that have to live in such repressive societies...I mean who would want to?

Not a place to put on your vacation list.
The west is just as guilty and it's getting worse.

What? read bro! In how many countries can't you access twitter? tumblr? vimeo? Netflix? (I could go on and on) Where else can you get arrested for kissing your wife in public? can't go to the beach in a bathing suit? Don't include the west in that. Don't say "just as guilty or worse" when it doesn't even compare. Think before you type.

I am not saying that I am happy with everything the "west" does when it comes to censorship. It does not even begin to compare to Indonesia. Nor does Russia and in many aspects not even China (and they deny freedom of religion which Indonesia only partly does).
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Russia and China are due to Communism and the mummies that rule. Indonesia is due to Islam, I assume?

Russia isn't a communism anymore but their government is repressive under Putin. China is due to Chinese style communism which was always different than the communism of the old USSR, though both were/are intolerant to religious beliefs as they generally preach a belief that differs from accepted State Doctrine. Indonesia is a prime example of letting religious doctrines become law, despite the fact not all people who live in Indonesia are the same religion. The Islamic religion is the dominant by far and Indonesia boasts one of the largest muslim populations in the world and its' censorship policies are directly influenced by Islamic doctrine. What this means is that much of the censorship policies have a strong public backing rather than a public outcry. This doesn't mean their policies get my approval or their country makes my vacation list but admittedly, I am not a muslim.

Still, I wouldn't want my country to be bound to making laws just based on my religion either. Personally, I believe Christianity is all about freedom of choice. Jesus never forced anyone to follow his rules or follow him, he merely invited them to. However not everyone views Christianity that way and my country, as well as others, has the history to back that up. That is why we have a "Seperation of Church and State" written into the constitution, to protect others from differences of faith (or lack thereof). People should have the right to choose how they live and a country should protect everyones rights to the best of its' capability, that is a governments duty to its' people.
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Oh yeah! I am pretty much with you on that. I am big fan of free speech. Love WikiLeaks and what it stands for, think what they have done to Assange is actually criminal. I despise the MPAA and RIAA, think they should be forcibly disbanded and formally charged with the corruption they are undoubtably linked to (We came close to getting them in Lousiana). I hate the unobjective reporting that passes for news when it is clearly editorializing without stating itself as such. Most media have been bought and paid for and almost make politicians look honest. etc., etc. etc.,

Now I realize that some censorship is necessary but like everything else it opens itself up to abuse by government authorities. I mean you don't want your kids cussing you, you don't want your employees publicly debasing you and undermining your authority, teachers should expect students to be quiet and listen in school until it is time for questions to be asked. There are countless episodes where a little censorship goes a long way. But that is not what we are talking about. It is governmental attempts to control what we can see, hear, or read.

The moment people tell you what you can and cannot watch, can and cannot read, then it stands to reason they'll start telling you what you can and cannot think too (hence thought police).

100% with ya bro. I just thought you went a little overboard, thats' all. We have to have a little perspective sometimes, be grateful for the freedoms we still have compared to others. People in Indonesia can't access this forum (without going through a proxy of some sort), Akiba-Online is on their blocklist too.
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