

New Member
Mar 23, 2009
i get an infraction for trying to post a torrent for 8+ vids from genki studio and yet this post:

gets no notice whatsoever???

beastiality is a no-no as I've learned and I'm o.k. with that but c'mon, you mods can't have missed that post.
I have taken care of this one now. Mods are no supermen, and perhaps there still is something which slips under our radar...

But it would have been easier for you just to use the report button left on top, just as other users do to report this post to the staff.

User got a warning too as this was his first noticed rule violation, thread was deleted.
To the OP, you're a douche for calling someone else out. Next time, only worry about yourself and don't bring others into it. Take it like a man.
I have taken care of this one now. Mods are no supermen, and perhaps there still is something which slips under our radar...

But it would have been easier for you just to use the report button left on top, just as other users do to report this post to the staff.

User got a warning too as this was his first noticed rule violation, thread was deleted.

yeah, that slipped my mind. will just use the button next time!

To the OP, you're a douche for calling someone else out. Next time, only worry about yourself and don't bring others into it. Take it like a man.

Thanks for your input chump. Try not to get your panties in a bunch. Why don't u just keep to your usual posts of whining for free shit, or better yet just stfu and go back to being a leech.
Ich liebe Euch alle.
Some people remain shocked, some laughing...

Nevertheless site´s language is english, so let´s return to it please, it´s been fun anyway...