Inju Seisen Twin Angels uncensored and "complete"


New Member
Jan 30, 2013
Hi! I'm new here.

I'm currently collecting old-classic adult OVAs. It appears that the US licensing company has edited some of the old adult anime such as La Blue Girl and Twin Angels due to controversial "under-aged" involvement.

These are some of the removed scenes in Inju Seisen Twin Angels (OVA 4 in particular)

Someone here has mentioned about an uncensored and uncut VHS version. Where can I find it?

Yes, I'm aware this has been discussed here before. I've got the SpursEngine enhanced 960x720 version of Twin angels so far (It looks like somebody has done a remix of that uncensored VHS and the US DVD version). But those scene I mentioned above are still missing! Can anyone here help me?


Survived to Japan
Super Moderator
Apr 28, 2008
Yes there is an uncut & uncensored version, which was posted in 2008 and removed after we got DMCA about all licensed anime.

It is still licensed so we can't post direct links, but I suggest that you search in nyaatorrents (the 987 MB torrent).

This concerns only the OVA series "Inju Seisen Twin Angels" or episodes 1-2 of "Twin Angels" US remix.

To this date there is no uncut source for "Inju Seisen XX" or episodes 3-4 of the US "Twin Angels". This is the part where Onimaro finally transforms into a demon so the cuts are mostly on the first episode.

"Twin Dolls" is completely uncut on the other hand.


New Member
Jan 30, 2013
Yes there is an uncut & uncensored version, which was posted in 2008 and removed after we got DMCA about all licensed anime.

It is still licensed so we can't post direct links, but I suggest that you search in nyaatorrents (the 987 MB torrent).

This concerns only the OVA series "Inju Seisen Twin Angels" or episodes 1-2 of "Twin Angels" US remix.

To this date there is no uncut source for "Inju Seisen XX" or episodes 3-4 of the US "Twin Angels". This is the part where Onimaro finally transforms into a demon so the cuts are mostly on the first episode.

"Twin Dolls" is completely uncut on the other hand.

I thought the original licensing company went bankrupt long time ago?

Also. I'm having no luck with the torrent search in Nyaatorrents and other sites. :(
Since direct DL link is not allowed. I wonder if someone here can help me get a reference to that uncensored and uncut episode? I only need Inju Seisen Twin Angels OVA 4.

Anyway. Thanks for your reply elgringo14.


Jul 23, 2008
Since direct DL link is not allowed. I wonder if someone here can help me get a reference to that uncensored and uncut episode? I only need Inju Seisen Twin Angels OVA 4.

under search enter:

Inju Seisen Twin Angels (uncut)

It is not a well seeded torrent but it is seeded. OVA 3&4 are one file however so it is not possible to download just OVA 4 with this torrent but since it is only 490 mbs that should be no big deal. You might want to download the whole 986.18 MB anyway just to compare the quality and content with what you have already.


New Member
Jan 30, 2013
Thanks for the info Ceewan.

Now. I just hoping someone here can help seeding this old torrent as I'm having trouble with the DL.


Jul 23, 2008
You just have to be patient with old torrents. Whoever is seeding probably has a lot else more current on his torrent clients queue. Just feel lucky there is seeding at all and if it takes a week to download....then it takes a week to download.

Things you can do to help keep torrents alive:

1. Repost the torrent wherever allowed. A torrent needs to be shared in order to stay alive.

2. Seeding is caring. Seeding is of course important. You don't have to seed it forever. Store the torrent file away in a folder when your done seeding and next time you feel like watching it or have nothing else in your torrent client and you are using your computer: load the file and seed it some more. As long as the bandwidth free, why leave it unused?


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
I wonder if the uncut and Un-mosaic version of Inju Seisen XX existed? Can anyone help?


Just take a look at what elgringo14 wrote in his post...


New Member
Nov 24, 2014
if not difficult to get help subtitles for this movie Injuu Seisen: Twin Angels [1995] uncut

And possible to see the uncut & uncensored - Seijuuden: Twin Dolls [1994]& Injuu Seisen XX [1997] version?

Do they exist?

Thank you for your attention.
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