Is Donald Trump The Anti-Christ?

dynovideo - Free Anime Videos!
Dec 28, 2008
The latest rumor going around is that the Donald is the Anti-Christ. It would seem like another wild conspiracy theory if it were not for the fact that so many of the pieces fit perfectly.

His real last name is actually German. Not Trump, but his father from Germany changed their sir name which was actually Drumph. Now Donald's middle name in German would be Johann. Donald in German in still Donald. So you get Donald Johann Drumph. Six letters in each name.


Check out this: Trump Antichrist 666.htm

Creepy as hell man.

Guys, let me know your thoughts on this.
if the antichrist exist, he must smarter than this fool
hitler was really smart, in comparison, too bad he was in the wrong side
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just that XD i cant talk about him because i dont live there, but in the news just appear bad news about him, like "the wall phrase" or when he talk bad about latin america etc
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They said the same about Obama being the anti-Christ. It's just commie propaganda. The left owns the media. So the mass media round the world will demonize opposition to their agenda. Think. It is the left that pushes for immigration policy to weaken around the world. The left pushes to have moral values seen as wrong and intolerant. The left pushes to disarm the citizenry around the world. The list goes on. Trump would not impose any of that.
Whats more it is clear the Republicans don't own Trump either. Everyone is scared of him because he isn't another bought and paid for politician. Not saying he would be a great president, maybe not even a good one but he wouldn't be a corrupt piece of shit that has been doubledealing the people since they have been involved in politics, and even before as a lawyer. Yeah, the lawyer is the good guy. Ain't stuffing that down my throat. Let the media paint him as they will, misquote him, pick him apart and say he is the devil. Don't care. Clinton is dirty. She is dirty and it is obvious and the media practically ignores it. Why? Media personalities have been getting fired for saying it. Why do you think that is? Twitter accounts have been getting closed because people speak about it. It is un-fucking-believable. Never seen anything like it.
Whats more it is clear the Republicans don't own Trump either. Everyone is scared of him because he isn't another bought and paid for politician. Not saying he would be a great president, maybe not even a good one but he wouldn't be a corrupt piece of shit that has been doubledealing the people since they have been involved in politics, and even before as a lawyer. Yeah, the lawyer is the good guy. Ain't stuffing that down my throat. Let the media paint him as they will, misquote him, pick him apart and say he is the devil. Don't care. Clinton is dirty. She is dirty and it is obvious and the media practically ignores it. Why? Media personalities have been getting fired for saying it. Why do you think that is? Twitter accounts have been getting closed because people speak about it. It is un-fucking-believable. Never seen anything like it.
the medias defend the person who need just for money or or interest, is always in that way, i dont defend anyone but the media never will be "impartial" (for that exist the "ruling" and "opposition") (like ying yang but anyone is good or bad)
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It's just commie propaganda.


This is nuts. First of all, I'm sure there are more people in the world with three names, each being six letters. Secondly, why does the fact that he has German ancestry (if that's even true, I don't know) matter? Did some "holy" text precisely say that the Anti-Christ will be German? Or is it only so that they could photoshop him into a Nazi uniform and make him bear some resemblance to Hitler?

Lastly, some of these are just straight-up ridiculous.

"And 18 is 3*6 = 666."

Seriously? *sigh*

I won't even waste my time reading further. This is just another case of people twisting things to fit their agenda.

hitler was really smart, in comparison, too bad he was in the wrong side

That depends on what you view as the wrong and right side.

...Never seen anything like it.

I'm glad you're seeing it now because US/Western media have been doing this for a long time, feeding you their propaganda and covering up their mistakes.
I'm glad you're seeing it now because US/Western media have been doing this for a long time, feeding you their propaganda and covering up their mistakes.

Oh. So you think this is normal behavior? I am not sure what media you are familar with or what media you seem to be implying is better than US/Western media but no, this is uncommon behavior on such a grand scale. People become reporters to report the truth and news agencies often seek to live up to a similar creed. That is how it is in the US of A. It would take a lot of money and influence to get the media to act this way here as these companies are in competition with each other. Trying to scoop other news agencies is what they do. This is the internet however, home of WikiLeaks and other truthsayers and if you look through all the misinformation on the internet you can find good sources. You can obscure the truth on the internet but you can't hide it. The internet doesn't work that way, it is a tool made for communication. Misquotes are easy to ferret out if you are willing to seek out the source and see the original context they were derived from. A lot of people see what the media is doing here in this election and they know this is not business as usual.
For those who think I am making up the thing about funny media behavior this election, I caught this on a retweet from Joe Rogan, (A Gary Johnson supporter by the way):

How About CNN Straight Up Omitting “Crooked” In Report On A Trump “Crooked Hillary” Tweet?

It is really weird, they actually reprinted Donald Trumps' tweet, after editing it to omit the word "Crooked", yet making it appear as if it was an exact copy of the original tweet. Who does that? I mean is that a misquote or just outright forgery?

1. The act of forging something, especially the unlawful act of counterfeiting a document or object for the purposes of fraud or deception.
2. Something that has been forged, especially a document that has been copied or remade to look like the original.
3. the crime of falsely making or copying a document in order to deceive people.
They did that on purpose, obviously. I still don't see how this is all new or shocking, but I'm glad you're noticing it now at least.
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Wow, this thread got so serious about the media and stuff. Was really meant to be a fun lite hearted silly thing.

Anyway in the spirit of which it was intended...

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The reason Trump is not supported by republicans / democrats, and the inner circle of the American oligarchy ...we call a government: is because THEY'RE all corrupt. The criminals who run the IMF, the FED, and their servant slaves of the banking cartel. Say what you want about the Trumpstir. As far as Commander in cheef responsibility's, that's what generals and advisors are for. No one knows everything. Trump is a business man, that's what America needs now.

He funds his own campaign, he calls people out. Sorry, but all you illegals who think that people have the right to just walk into America, are on crack. The settlers shed their blood in the American Revolution to become the exception to freedom to the world. It is free because of its laws and founding principles. Freedom means those who come must assimilate. I remember when Obama went over to Mexico and asked the president how they handle illegals, the president of Mexico said, "We detain, and fine them, then send them back to their state." But he criticized the US for their policies on immigration. This is not just about Mexico, the Muslims are changing our freedom to speak in schools about Christianity. The term freedom of religion has been miss understood for a long time. It means; freedom from the repression of religion that was imposed upon the people of the British monarchy. America is a Christian nation. If you don't like her laws, and don't want to abide by them, stay the fuck out. Go to Japan and see how they handle illegals.

The Clinton's are criminals. Bill Clinton was instrumental in the deregulation of the banks which cost people their homes, savings, jobs, and retirements (ACROSS THE GLOBE). And it's funny now the Clinton's got really...really wealthy over night. Americans and their children will be paying back the bailout for the next 60 or more years and not one person from the banks went to jail. Then there is NAFTA another billion jobs lost. Most of the people who hate Trump are not from America, and know very little about America. America once stood for a great cause, The Founding Fathers warned their people, but people today are too stupid because Hollywood, iPhones, Computers, and drugs have distracted people from what's important. Say what you want about Trump, but he's 101 times better than the Clinton's... for the sake of America.
And by the way, most of the democrats who support the Clinton's are lazy fucks who only vote democrat because of the entitlements the democrats are notorious for giving, while the working class has the pay for these services. People don't get it. Governments are not business, they promise the world and then distribute it from the working class.

By the way, Christopher Stevens, one of the most loved American ambassadors was killed along with 8 Navy Seals who were being overrun. None of them phone records were recovered and all of Hillery's hard drives were wiped clean. She was the secretary of state, but was acquitted to the event. Really??? And people are criticizing Trump? lol Not supersized, Hillery's mentor was Saul Alinsky's - author of Rules for radicals

..Go play on your iPhone

As Benjamin Franklin was leaving the last session of The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia 1787, a woman approached him and asked, “What kind of government have you given us, Dr. Franklin? A republic or a monarchy?” Franklin answered, “A republic, Madam, if you can keep it” Book title Government in the United States ISBN# 0-02-151100-4 (Page. 17)

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Wow, this thread got so serious about the media and stuff. Was really meant to be a fun lite hearted silly thing.

Yeah, I get that. This is a pretty serious topic though. To be sure, I may be judging the media a bit harshly because I tend to generalize after I see so much crap reported. Some reporters do try to get the truth out.

Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept.

Why the Clinton Foundation is so controversial

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department

again, thx for the links Mr. Rogan
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I think some people said the same thing about Ronald Regan being the devil or the anti-christ too because his first middle and last name each has six letters in it.Unfortunately elections are not decided by people intelligent enough not to fall for such nonsense. They are decided by morons who thought they were not going to have to worry about their gas and mortgage because Barrack Obama got elected or That Donald Trump is an outsider and conservative even though he donated to liberal democrats and liberal republicans and was friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton.Or the morons who believe Hillary Clinton who smears Donald Trump as some rich guy not in touch with the common man as though somehow Hillary and Bill Clinton work as garbage men or at a McDonalds.

I don't like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.But part of me hopes Donald Trump wins just so I can watch all his supporters get betrayed when Donald Trump doesn't do the things he promised to republican voters.
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I don't like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.But part of me hopes Donald Trump wins just so I can watch all his supporters get betrayed when Donald Trump doesn't do the things he promised to republican voters.

And it is that attitude that may likely cost him the election. It isn't enough that Trump endorsed McCain and Romney in their last presidential bids.....a few hard words during election time and those hypocrytes help invite the Clintons' back into the White House. Trump has given more in his lifetime to the Republicans than the Democrats, just ask the Wiki. Does Trump have to agree with every conservative issue? Isn't he allowed to have a mind of his own? Instead of being applauded for his individuality and outspokeness, two things rare in politics today, many diehard Republicans distance themselves from him instead of embracing him as a potential ally. Did any of them consider the consequences of their actions if by some fluke he actually ends up as our next President? Trump has a history of remembering who his friends are and who they were not. Their actions disgrace the whole Republican Party because they are afraid for their own individual political futures and not the future of our great country. Who gives a fuck about where Trumps' views differ from most conservatives, why don't they have the balls to acknowledge those differences and concentrate on where their views coincide? They are a bunch of cowards with no backbone. The patriots in the Republican party are the ones that have the balls to support the RNCs' nominee.

And no one keeps all their campaign promises. Despite what Obama thinks with all his "executive orders" a president is not a king, he is part of a process, a link in a chain. Congress makes the laws and passes the laws the President only ratifies them or he can attempt to veto them. What we actually "need" in the Whitehouse is someone who is willing to work with both parties in Congress and who is willing to compromise with them both in order to get something positive accomplished. Something we have no chance of under Clinton.