The reason Trump is not supported by republicans / democrats, and the inner circle of the American oligarchy ...we call a government: is because THEY'RE all corrupt. The criminals who run the IMF, the FED, and their servant slaves of the banking cartel. Say what you want about the Trumpstir. As far as Commander in cheef responsibility's, that's what generals and advisors are for. No one knows everything. Trump is a business man, that's what America needs now.
He funds his own campaign, he calls people out. Sorry, but all you illegals who think that people have the right to just walk into America, are on crack. The settlers shed their blood in the American Revolution to become the exception to freedom to the world. It is free because of its laws and founding principles. Freedom means those who come must assimilate. I remember when Obama went over to Mexico and asked the president how they handle illegals, the president of Mexico said, "
We detain, and fine them, then send them back to their state." But he criticized the US for their policies on immigration. This is not just about Mexico, the Muslims are changing our freedom to speak in schools about Christianity. The term freedom of religion has been miss understood for a long time. It means; freedom from the repression of religion that was imposed upon the people of the British monarchy. America is a Christian nation. If you don't like her laws, and don't want to abide by them, stay the fuck out. Go to Japan and see how they handle illegals.
The Clinton's are criminals. Bill Clinton was instrumental in the deregulation of the banks which cost people their homes, savings, jobs, and retirements (ACROSS THE GLOBE). And it's funny now the Clinton's got really...really wealthy over night. Americans and their children will be paying back the bailout for the next 60 or more years and not one person from the banks went to jail. Then there is NAFTA another billion jobs lost. Most of the people who hate Trump are not from America, and know very little about America. America once stood for a great cause, The Founding Fathers warned their people, but people today are too stupid because Hollywood, iPhones, Computers, and drugs have distracted people from what's important. Say what you want about Trump, but he's 101 times better than the Clinton's... for the sake of America.
And by the way, most of the democrats who support the Clinton's are lazy fucks who only vote democrat because of the entitlements the democrats are notorious for giving, while the working class has the pay for these services. People don't get it. Governments are not business, they promise the world and then distribute it from the working class.
By the way, Christopher Stevens, one of the most loved American ambassadors was killed along with 8 Navy Seals who were being overrun. None of them phone records were recovered and all of Hillery's hard drives were wiped clean. She was the secretary of state, but was acquitted to the event. Really??? And people are criticizing Trump? lol Not supersized, Hillery's mentor was
Saul Alinsky's - author of
Rules for radicals
..Go play on your iPhone
As Benjamin Franklin was leaving the last session of The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia 1787, a woman approached him and asked, “What kind of government have you given us, Dr. Franklin? A republic or a monarchy?” Franklin answered, “A republic, Madam, if you can keep it” Book title Government in the United States ISBN# 0-02-151100-4 (Page. 17)