Is it okay to start a thread about HACKING?

Sure where do you want to begin?
Sure where do you want to begin?

Lets start with Wifi WEP/WAP cracking.
:study: I've been browsing the web for ways but I only found 1 reliable way to do it.
And its by using Backtrack.
Backtrack is a linux based OS design for penetration and testing distribution.
I bet you heard of it.
I Already tried to install it on my machine but I didn't like it, cause I'm using netbook and I had to use several USB device and it can't detect my device.

Basically I'm looking for other programs or OS that support WEP/WAP cracking.

God any Idea?:exhausted:
Okay sorry for the delay

I checked most of this out and i don't see why it can't be done with a notebook

Is it one of those that's exclusively made for internet usage

I know this topic is old...
But for hacking wifi I use Backtrack and an ALFA AWUS036H. NOT the N version or anything, but that specific model number. Can be had on Amazon or Ebay, just search out that model number.
This is the ONLY USB WIFI network adapter that I have had any luck with what so ever, unless the router or access point is within 20 feet or so. With this adapter and a 9dBi antenna I have had success cracking WEP nearly a half mile away.

This thing is powerful and sensitive, and the modified linux drivers are built in to Backtrack, all making it a plug and play solution. It can do packet injection, which is very important to having success at all.

Backtrack offers the "netbook remix" edition as well, and should perform fairly well.
I know this topic is old...
But for hacking wifi I use Backtrack and an ALFA AWUS036H. NOT the N version or anything, but that specific model number. Can be had on Amazon or Ebay, just search out that model number.
This is the ONLY USB WIFI network adapter that I have had any luck with what so ever, unless the router or access point is within 20 feet or so. With this adapter and a 9dBi antenna I have had success cracking WEP nearly a half mile away.

This thing is powerful and sensitive, and the modified linux drivers are built in to Backtrack, all making it a plug and play solution. It can do packet injection, which is very important to having success at all.

Backtrack offers the "netbook remix" edition as well, and should perform fairly well.
1st of all thank you.

dude you think I can use mint or ubuntu for hacking??? I tried backtrack but I got some issues with it. It can't detect my usb keyboard and mouse.
1st of all thank you.

dude you think I can use mint or ubuntu for hacking??? I tried backtrack but I got some issues with it. It can't detect my usb keyboard and mouse.

Sure you can. You just need to make sure you have the tools you need installed and patched drivers for your wireless card to allow injection. If you don't know what that means, you need to do some more research before you can use the tools safely.
well there is a Mobil phone from nokia made for hacker ! google it ! (nokia n900) its run most hacker programs ! :please: and u can hack wifi network easy othe it !


