Is it possible to disable on-demand image loading?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2017
At the moment images only load when you scroll down to them. I normally open a load of tabs in the background and work thought them, but because most of the images are not loaded it takes forever now.

Can this be disabled?
per default it's not possible to remove this feature.
I can probably try to change the source code, but it's not a good solution - better would be figure out what's wrong.

At the moment there seems to be problems with the connection to the US to our asia frontend-servers :/
not sure why :/
Providing an us-frontend-server is a little bit of a problem.
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per default it's not possible to remove this feature.
I can probably try to change the source code, but it's not a good solution - better would be figure out what's wrong.

At the moment there seems to be problems with the connection to the US to our asia frontend-servers :/
not sure why :/
Providing an us-frontend-server is a little bit of a problem.

Do you use Cloudflare or anything like that? I use the free tier on my website.
cloudflare want us to pay for enterprise, because we are using too much bandwidth for the free version.
Our frontend-Servers should cache neaerly everything; but I don't have enough space to actually add all the pictures to the frontend-servers (around 750GB files)
If this is not detrimental to this website and you use firefox, try:
Set this to false:
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