Japanese AV Online Store that ships to US


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
I can't believe no one answered you . Well I'll tell you.
it's this site-->http://catalog.nbj.co.jp/18/

Most of the titles you can find in DMM dvd site(http://www.dmm.com/mono/dvd/ ),
you can get from this site. It's great.

DMM doesn't ship to overseas..AND they dont accept USA credit cards.

Well but Catalog site is awesome. You just gotta know how to look. Usually i've done it like this: 1) Look for preview pics and covers at DMM and other similar sites 2)Go to the Catalog site and search for the titles there. But you have to search in japanese.Once in a while if the DVD's have Katakana title, then you can search in enter in roman letters and it will probably give you results.

Anyways, buying is easy:
1. Search for dvds, then Fill the online order form to order what you want
2.The manager guy will send you an email to confirm your order and will give you your order number, ,then another email to give you the TOTAL in YEN. you have to figure out the US dollar amount(if you're from usa)..you can look in www.xe.com for current exchange rate

3. Then that's all you send your INTERNATIONAL money order and maybe a note with your order number and if you want, the titles of the dvds. Send it to the correct address listed on the website. Oh and be sure to send it by registered mail.

When he gets your money order , which takes about 1 week, he'll send you an email saying that it will take a few days. Depending on if they have them on stock or not, it will take a few days but it's usually not that long. And he sends an email to tell you your order has been shipped. Then it takes about 1 week.

So if you do it tlike i 've done it, The total process takes about 3 weeks from first ordering to receiving your package.


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
Oh by the way. The Catalog NBJ site sells the dvd's at regular price( about 20 dollars).

Some other sites i've seen have dvd's selling at like 8 dollars...BUT i dont trust them.


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
Release numbers

Titles can be translated with variances from Japanese to English.
If you look at the list of AV DVDs which I obtained in Tokyo, I encourage you to use the DVD's release number to search for the title on DMM (or Scroogle, or Yahoo!).

The purveyors selling AV DVDs for $8.00 might be legitimately obtaining one copy of it, and then duplicating it as a DVD-R on their computer. Then, they might send it to you in a plain white sleeve and give you the URL where you can download and print the box cover. But then, you still would not have the box's inserts. :eek:y:
However, I believe that V C D 1 does have access to genuine AVs. But you have to sign up for its E-Mail list. It E-Mails you with the 'hidden' URLs of those AVs.