In Japan, three governors participated in a
campaign that seeks to encourage men to
participate in household chores.
In a video entitled "The governor is a pregnant woman"
the governors of three prefectures of southwestern
They put some vests 7.3 kilos of weight to simulate
the body of a pregnant woman of seven months.
After going up and down stairs, drive and crouch with
vest since, Shunki Kono, governor of Miyazaki and father
of three children, told "Japan Times" that "this is really
a burden for the back and shoulders".
"Now I understand what my wife endured for so many
months and so I am full of gratitude", said Tsugumasa
Muraoka Yamaguchi governor and father of three children.
The video was filmed and released as part of the campaign
Work Life Balance Kyushu / Yamaguchi, which seeks to
encourage the obsessional workers to adopt a more
balanced life and share household chores with their wives.
Japanese men are less collaborate on tasks household
worldwide according to a study by the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
conducted in 2014.
Research indicates that in that country men
spend only an hour a day on housework
compared to five of the women.
campaign that seeks to encourage men to
participate in household chores.
In a video entitled "The governor is a pregnant woman"
the governors of three prefectures of southwestern
They put some vests 7.3 kilos of weight to simulate
the body of a pregnant woman of seven months.
After going up and down stairs, drive and crouch with
vest since, Shunki Kono, governor of Miyazaki and father
of three children, told "Japan Times" that "this is really
a burden for the back and shoulders".
"Now I understand what my wife endured for so many
months and so I am full of gratitude", said Tsugumasa
Muraoka Yamaguchi governor and father of three children.
The video was filmed and released as part of the campaign
Work Life Balance Kyushu / Yamaguchi, which seeks to
encourage the obsessional workers to adopt a more
balanced life and share household chores with their wives.
Japanese men are less collaborate on tasks household
worldwide according to a study by the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
conducted in 2014.
Research indicates that in that country men
spend only an hour a day on housework
compared to five of the women.
知事が妊婦に|九州・山口 ワーク・ライフ・バランス推進キャンペーン
Governor to pregnant women | Kyushu and Yamaguchi
Work-Life Balance Promotion Campaign
Governor to pregnant women | Kyushu and Yamaguchi
Work-Life Balance Promotion Campaign