Guess I'm too used to free or very cheap sex (i.e. date, not paid).
I can find a very good looking girl for a whole evening (sleeping over) for a total expense of US$1000, that's including hotel, dinner, drinks and entertainment. Usually much less than that, actually.
Now 100,000 Yens (or 120,000 Yens?) is only what website lists... I bet when all's said and done, with hotel (you can't take her to just a 4-star hotel, can you?) , bouncer's tip, maybe a driver also wants a tip, drinks (there's no time for food), your 90 mins will end up costing 4 times or even more. With the sex probably lasting only 15 mins.
Rola is hot, and her JAVs are pretty good, I'd give you that. But there's no way I'd pay that much for a quickie with anyone. It's like people who spend $5000 on cognac or (even madder) $50000 on wine. I'm perfectly satisfied with $200 cognac and sub-$100 wine.