JAV actresses and the Coolidge effect


Akiba Citizen
Sep 13, 2015
I don't know about you, but I often come across a new actress and get all excited about her only for the novelty to wear off a couple films in to the point where I abandon her after her fifth release and never look back. It's not that she was disappointing or didn't do a genre that I like, I just simply got bored of her and moved on. This might have to do with the Coolidge effect. Shameless Wikipedia copy/paste:

The Coolidge effect (also known as the Clinton effect ) is a biological phenomenon seen in animals, whereby males (and to a lesser extent females) exhibit renewed sexual interest whenever a new female is introduced to have sex with, even after cessation of sex with prior but still available sexual partners.

If you're curious about how it got its name, click the spoiler tag.

The term "Coolidge effect" was first suggested by behavioral endocrinologist Frank A. Beach in 1958.[8] He attributed the neologism to:[9]

… an old joke about
Calvin Coolidge when he was President … The President and Mrs. Coolidge were being shown [separately] around an experimental government farm. When [Mrs. Coolidge] came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, "Dozens of times each day." Mrs. Coolidge said, "Tell that to the President when he comes by." Upon being told, the President asked, "Same hen every time?" The reply was, "Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time." President: "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge."

The joke appears in a 1972 book (Aggression in Man and Animals, by Roger N. Johnson, p. 94)

On the other hand we've all got our favourites, actresses that we have watched for a longer time. The question is: will you watch her "forever"? Do you still get as excited for her 142nd release as you did for her 5th when she finally did that one sex act that you've been looking forward to? What was the most amount of time that you had been consisntently watching an actress for?

For me, it was half a year at most. After a while I just find myself looking for something new, something exciting. But some actresses endure regardless. They are the ones that I'll keep watching, but only if they come out with a title that's centered around something that I'm into and they are the oases that I go back to should a drought happen in the JAV world. But that's it, really, there are no evergreens for me.

Part of what got me thinking about this was the fact that Akiho Yoshizawa was celebrating 15 years in the industry back in March. She's one of those oases that I fall back on, but man, 15 years? Do you think anyone was with her throughout the entirety of that journey? Does hardcore fans like that exist, completely impervious to the Coolidge effect? If they do, I'm not one of them, but I do like her, even if I can tell that looks-wise her best days are behind her.


Another actress that endured the test of time for me is Erika Kitagawa. I know there are a lot of huge breasts and lots of pretty faces in JAV; in my eyes she's the one who's got one of the best mix of those two "categories". She's not a bad actress, either.


And then there is the reitred Yuzuki/Takigawa Mai, who has a lot shorter catalogue of titles than the two aforementioned actresses, but she's one of those girls who just grabbed me so much that I can't help but watch the same titles from her over and over again. It's hard to explain, but she's just got that slut factor that makes you want to bang her long and hard.


But then, I'm not an omnivore when it comes to JAV, and it does happen that the releases dictate whether I'll watch an actress or not. Sadly, this is the case with Airi Kijima, from whom I was forced to take a break after she left IdeaPocket to do a whole lot of r*** titles more than two years ago. She's always had this good girl vibe about her and those meaty legs paired with her thin upper body make for a nice juxtaposition. I can't wait for her to sail back to more consensual waters, preferably even drop that anchor at OL island, but until then I'll just have to watch someone else.


But what about you? Are you also subject to the Coolidge effect? Do you have tried-and-true girls to fall back on when there's nothing exciting coming out? Do you perhaps even have some evergreens that endured during the years and that you just miraculously can't get enough of?
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If Sora Aoi or Minori Hatsune were still making movies, I'd watch anything they release.
Fortunately, they never flirted with fetishes that would put me off, but even then I feel like I'd watch those too.
so far that I'm aware I never kick out JAV idols from my favorite because I don't want to watch them anymore, I stop because they not releasing new vids anymore :(

its very rare for them to make major physical change
LOL Coolidge effect, I am going to tell that to Mrs. Ding.

I am kind of opposite of @kharo88 I don't even bother to check out a fresh face until her 6th vid when I can be little sure she is doing a real career. E.g. I started watching Nana Fukada, I was sure she was making a real career not quitting after 6 months. Then she disappeared on us, no retirement but no new vids since March, and worst no one (but me) even noticed. One year 5 months, I invested in her emotionally (eh... you know... the way you invest in fav underpants) and then she bailed without explanation.

But then OP actually switched to anti-Coolidge effect, eh? Yes Akiho is a classic. I have to admit I rarely watch her new vids now, I still rewatch her "Unicycle Police Woman", it's impossible to top that vid.

I'm like @sturmtruppen and @Supmop once I fav an idol I pretty much won't unfav her. They all retire before I get tired of her. There is now one counterexample to anti-Coolidge effect (sorry I can't stop myself using multiple double negatives). Yumi Kazama debuted at 18 years old, she was not top beauty but hot enough for fapping. Now she's 39 years and 4 months old! Both her face and figure looks like she's 48. Every week, as I browse new release covers she is popping up to haunt me. Please retire now, Ms. Kazama.
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What really amazes me about Akiho Yoshizawa is that she has resisted doing anything beyond fiarly basic sex, like gokkun or nakadashi. No uncensored either. She must have an amazing following.
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