Hikaru cannot be found on the hentaitokyo site.
If you are referring to prostitutes in Europe costing more than Hikaru, think we are comparing apples to oranges.
Back to my main question.
Prostitutes in most parts of the world allow vaginal penetration.
Hikaru, if available, does not allow vaginal penetration, according to the general rules of Japan for escorts.
These Japanese escorts only allow rubbing of each other and at most, AJ (additional fees).
Anything else will be under-table and subject to more fees.
Say for example, if Hikaru, flies around the world for escort business (that includes vagina penetration), she might charge more than 74,000 yen (including all agent fees and hotel fees). I know some not so famous JAVs who provide sexual services (including vaginal fucking) for around such fees, though I have never seen one in real life before.
So are these Japanese ladies who provide rubbing only, prostitutes?
Even if its an AV star, I will say no.
I will consider them as massage or healthcare ladies (even those who provide AJ).
Cos the fact is that there is no actual vaginal penetration.
I don't know about those legal prositutues in Osaka.
In soap lands, I guess its the same, no vaginal penetration.
Even though these AV stars have real vaginal penetration in the shows, they don't allow if they are free-lancing.
One big main reason is hygiene and the prevention of sexual related diseases.