JAV posters/tshirts/products?


Jav is love... Jav is life...
Jun 29, 2012
Hey guys. Love this forum. Only place I know on the Internet that people can have a serious discussion about JAV. At least in English. Is there a Japanese forum dedicated to JAV discussion? If someone knows please share.

Some people love horror movies. Other people love watching cricket. As unhealthy as it might sound my main hobby is watching JAV movies. I watch at least an hour+ a day and much more on the weekends. Whatever money I have saved for fun money I will a spend it on JAV. So I was curious if anyone knows of websites that you can order posters of JAV movies and idols? Or perhaps Tshirts of your favorite studios? I'd love to wear a Dogma or MVG logo shirt and have most people have no idea what it is from. It would be really funny to wear the Minimum teddy bear logo on a shirt. If we wore these shirts we could identify each other in public, like "hey man... cool shirt. Do you have such and such movie code?"

I haven't looked into this myself yet but if you have any suggestions please feel free to share.


Akiba Citizen
Apr 2, 2015
Good question.

You don't usually see any studios selling (online at least) physical goods like T-shirts. You could always make your own though using one of those online t-shirt creating sites.

However, if you really want a T-shirt or any special items, consider contacting your favorite studio directly.

They're all run by real people and love to hear from fans. Write in simple English and maybe consider buying a few titles directly. Say you want to know if they have t-shirts or any extras. You may be surprised and very happy!
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Akiba Citizen
Apr 2, 2015
And if you can't figure out how to navigate the studio's site to get to the contact page, try emailing them at 'info@domain.com', but the contact form is best since a direct email may be sent to the spam folder by mistake.
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Jav is love... Jav is life...
Jun 29, 2012
Good question.

You don't usually see any studios selling (online at least) physical goods like T-shirts. You could always make your own though using one of those online t-shirt creating sites.

However, if you really want a T-shirt or any special items, consider contacting your favorite studio directly.

They're all run by real people and love to hear from fans. Write in simple English and maybe consider buying a few titles directly. Say you want to know if they have t-shirts or any extras. You may be surprised and very happy!

Emailing them will probably be the best way to find something. Thanks!