JAV60, SmartScene, and MobileHD - MP4 Files ADDED!


Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008

* EDIT: Due to inactivity all but one file was taken down by Ryshare
* EDIT: For those who don't like MKV files I will add MP4 files soon so check back

What is JAV60? It's my name for JAV titles re-encoded at 60 frames per second (60fps). I thought about other names like smoothJAV but settled on something short because a.) I'm lazy - b.) I couldn't think of anything else...ahem...

To get an idea of the difference between a common 29.97fps WMV file versus a re-encoded 60fps MKV file I've made the following available. In it are two files of the same scene, 1 minute in length. Now, if your gear can't play MKV files Google "CCCP codec pack" and then get back to this. First play the WMV file. Then play the MKV file. If your pc is up to snuff you WILL see the difference.

http://ryushare.com/t13rgsb78qgm/URE-001_1min_JAV60.rar - 38.8MB


I had stumbled upon a script for avisynth that would produce 60fps on the fly but could never get it to work, so I later found a way to encode using a modified script in MeGui. I originally encoded my TV shows but then thought WOW! Why haven't I tried anything from my JAV library! The results were AMAZING!

Now...the same rule applies: garbage in = garbage out. Still...even an old file at a low bitrate has better appeal if the movement and motion looks much smoother.

Flash forward to today and I've begun testing and getting my steps down to produce JAV60 files. Here's another term I made up although I'm sure someone has used it before me:


SmartScene is when I get a full title and cut the scenes into separate files. I started this back in the day to save disk space. That doesn't matter now with all the HDD in the world available these days, but the practice stuck with me. And...since I'm not a purist I cut out the "middleware" and start each scene in a logical place before the fun starts. That might turn most off and have people scream at me, but that's just me. I wish I understood Japanese or had subtitles, I'd keep it all. So the stories are lost on me I'm afraid.

As a result when looking in a directory on my pc you would find:


This would be the four scenes in a title minus the publisher intros, trailers at the end, and lengthy dialogue or filler scenes, and the total file size would be less than the full WMV.


Since my phone can't handle JAV60 very well (I have an HTC Amaze) I create what I call MobileHD...which sounds stupid I'm sure because its not true HD but it sure looks like it with all the smooth motion. I've included a small clip below (of the same 1 minute scene) as an example (480x272). This allows me to watch on my Android and it looks way better than what a WMV clip at full 800x450 would look like. At least to me. And again, on my phone it looks like a miniature HDTV. *EDIT - I use Moboplayer on my phone.


In short, after this long post, I'm having fun with this. All my acronyms will mean nothing to you but I will use them to keep my thinking and catalogs straight. If you would be kind enough to let me know your thoughts on this concept and/or the demos if you decide to get them it would be appreciated. Even if it is to tell me I'm wasting everyone's time. I tried to make them small enough in size as to not be a bandwidth burden. No one wants to download a 1.8GB file just to realize you can't play it or don't like it. I've been there. Disappointing.

To recap: JAV60 - SmartScene - MobileHD

These three things are the wave of my future. Try the demos. I'm thinking you'll be surprised.

Thanks for your time.

P.S. If you look at my profile you will find I have been here quite a while. You will also notice my lack of participation. Very few posts and VERY few Thank You's. For that I'm sorry. This is an awesome community. I'm hoping to give back if even just a few get excited about this. I hope to encode and upload more. I even had a guy on another forum offer up an HD scene so I could encode it for him. He got a glorious looking JAV60 vid and I got one I hadn't been able to find. Nice trade. Nothing wrong with that, I say!