Saya Tachibana folks
Definitely requested this before myself too. I have near given up on it though but I swear the difficulty (at least for us people outside of Japan) of getting this vid has made it one my all time most wanted.
Saya Tachibana folks
Alright, see if this works.
Alright, see if this works.
Anyone know who this asian chick with the big butt is?
don't know her name but that's from jtdv 07. definitely the highlight of that vid
I just found this other DVD from Maria Clara. She is even better in this one, apparently.
The odd thing is, I found a post in another thread from the beginning of 2013 talking about it, but from the shop I found, it says this has been released just a little ago, in december 2013.
She is called as Giulia in this one.
So, as far as I know, her aliases are: Biana Santos(サントス・A・ビアーナ), Maria Clara(マリア・クララ), Sofia/Sophia(ソフィア), Natia/Nadia(ナティア), Giulia (ジューリア)
[MEEL-08] 本場BRAZILのサンバ大会で優勝したラテンGALが期間限定でAVデビュー 〜綺麗なピンクの極上マンコ〜 ジューリア
So, if someone is interested...
Thank you so much *.*
The links for the title would be great! :cry5:
ZTR01 is seeded, but extremely slowly. At this rate, it will take atleast 2 or 3 months.