It makes me wonder why no one upped it online. Anyway, if you're still serious about buying it, this site might be the only other place if R18 is not possible. Sadly, I am broke and jobless, so I can't just buy anything. What from I hear, they are legit, but you may want to more people verifying they are not a scam. Basically, you pay them for a password to unrar their .rar files. They seem to be the only place with actual screenshots of the movie, so I'm thinking it's real, but once again, I'd want to be absolutely sure they are the real deal first.
Hmmm, looking at their contact page, there are heaps of comments that seem to be from real people...and none of them have complained about any potential scams...6USD is not a lot for me...Should I just pay and see if they give me the password and the video is in fact mkz-027 (not some other random video that they fake you with) ?