FileJoker Exclusive [JMovie 18+] Another Heaven (2000)


Akiba Citizen
Oct 4, 2018
Another Heaven-.jpg

Alternate Titles: アナザヘヴン

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A pair of hard-boiled Tokyo cops are investigating a gruesome murder: after killing the victim, the murderer cut his skull open and cooked his brain in a stew. As they try to track down the killer, they discover that, quite literally, everybody is a suspect. Will they bring the terror to an end, or will they become part of it themselves?

Released: 29 Apr 2000 (19 years ago)
Runtime: 131 Mins
Genre: Horror Crime Science Fiction Countries: Japan Languages: Japanese
Directed By: George Iida
Actors: Yosuke Eguchi Miwako Ichikawa Takashi Kashiwabara Yukio Okamoto Haruhiko Katō Naomasa Musaka Kunihiro Ida Yosinori Kô Toshi Shioya Yôko Ohshima Yoshio Harada Taro Suwa

1h 2min - 700 MB - AVI - 640x352:
1h 9min - 700 MB - AVI - 640x352:

Another Heaven-1_thumb.jpg Another Heaven-2_thumb.jpg
Download: (400.0 Mb) (400.0 Mb) (400.0 Mb) (199.8 Mb)