Alternate Titles: 漢字

Hanzi is a documentary exploring international design, visual culture, and identity through the lens of modern Chinese typography. The film covers a variety of topics such as how languages shape identity, and what role handwriting plays in the digital age.
Released: 21 May 2017 (2 years ago)
Runtime: 56 Mins
Genre: Documentary Countries: Taiwan Languages: Chinese
Directed By: Mu-Ming Tsai
Audio Chinese English Japanese
56min 57s - 1.38 GB - MPEG-4 - 1920x1080:
Internal: English Japanese

https://filejoker.net/s8izirwnr3pe/Hanzi.mp4.part1.rar (400.0 Mb)
https://filejoker.net/gkbpgzj2h1hu/Hanzi.mp4.part2.rar (400.0 Mb)
https://filejoker.net/altsvh55w8kt/Hanzi.mp4.part3.rar (400.0 Mb)
https://filejoker.net/rnzyz436t84u/Hanzi.mp4.part4.rar (215.6 Mb)