FileJoker Exclusive [JMovie] KUSHINA, what will you be (2018)


Akiba Citizen
Oct 4, 2018
KUSHINA, what will you be-.jpg Kush-ina What Will You Be.mp4_snapshot_00.06.26_[2020.04.06_07.06.03].jpg Kush-ina What Will You Be.mp4_snapshot_00.12.38_[2020.04.06_07.06.08].jpg Kush-ina What Will You Be.mp4_snapshot_00.16.32_[2020.04.06_07.06.14].jpg Kush-ina What Will You Be.mp4_snapshot_00.43.16_[2020.04.06_07.06.27].jpg Kush-ina What Will You Be.mp4_snapshot_00.56.16_[2020.04.06_07.06.37].jpg Kush-ina What Will You Be_thumb.jpg

Alternate Titles: クシナ

Deep in the mountains, hidden in a forest, there is a village populated only by women who ran away from home to commit suicide in the area. It was founded by Onikuma, a strong-willed yet kind-hearted mother and village head-woman who fled from the city with her daughter, Kagu who was 14-years-old and pregnant with the titular Kushina.

Released: 14 Mar 2018 (2 years ago)
Runtime: 67 Mins
Countries: Japan Languages: Japanese
Directed By: Moët Hayami
Actors: Miyuki Ono Tomona Hirota Yayoi Inamoto Ikumi Satake

1h 10min - 334 MB - MPEG-4 - 960x540:

Internal: English

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