Intimately following 1st and 6th graders at a public elementary school in Tokyo, we observe kids learning the traits necessary to become part of Japanese society.
Released: 25 Oct 2023 (1 year ago)
Runtime: 98 Mins
Genre: Documentary Countries: Finland France Japan United States Languages: Japanese
Directed By: Ema Ryan Yamazaki
1h 39min - 2.22 GB - Matroska - 1920x1080:
Internal: English
The_Maki-ng_of_a_Japa-nese.part1.rar (450.0 Mb)
The_Maki-ng_of_a_Japa-nese.part2.rar (450.0 Mb)
The_Maki-ng_of_a_Japa-nese.part3.rar (450.0 Mb)
The_Maki-ng_of_a_Japa-nese.part4.rar (450.0 Mb)
The_Maki-ng_of_a_Japa-nese.part5.rar (450.0 Mb)
The_Maki-ng_of_a_Japa-nese.part6.rar (26.0 Mb)