Just a pointer for image uploaders.


New Member
Apr 10, 2007
I've noticed a few folks uploading images to the site have pics that are broken up by lines or part of the image being shifted. Generally this is indicative of a file being corrupted, but part of that file corruption can occur when downloading the file.

Because of the interlacing used on jpg files, a file may appear to have finished downloading to your computer but part of the file information is still being sent. For this reason, when downloading the originals, make sure the DONE letters show up at the bottom of your browser/downloader. Otherwise, the image is going to contain those lines or image shifts.

Just thought I would point it out since I've been seeing a few pics here and there that are obviously corrupted and I have experienced the incomplete file corruption a few times during downloads myself. I guess it's a lesson in patience.
If you download a corrupt image, you could try Ctrl+F5

It works for me