
May 10, 2017
This is probably not the right place to ask, but since the post is fresh, many ppl will see it. I wanted to know if there is somewhere I could request some KIDM older files, which are nowhere in internet for free. It probably would have to be bought on youiv. Also, if there is nowhere to request, anyone can explain how to purchase things in youiv? is it expensive to download? is it safe? there is some crowfunding for specific titles? eh, sorry for being newbie.
This is probably not the right place to ask, but since the post is fresh, many ppl will see it. I wanted to know if there is somewhere I could request some KIDM older files, which are nowhere in internet for free. It probably would have to be bought on youiv. Also, if there is nowhere to request, anyone can explain how to purchase things in youiv? is it expensive to download? is it safe? there is some crowfunding for specific titles? eh, sorry for being newbie.
You've been a member since 2017, you're not a newbie, you've just never bothered to read the rules or participate around here at all or you'd know the answer to what you're asking by now.
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