Kosaka Kotomi (高坂琴水)
Born in 2000-03-28, is 162cm tall
From an idol group called Cypris Morpho (キプリスモルホォ)
Released in 2019-02-20
LCDV-40908 (MP4) is 2.42GB
LCDV-40908 - Special Movie (MP4) is 135MB
ISO is 4.23GB
The translation to the movie's name 虹色ダイアリー is Nijiiro Diary
The english translation is Rainbow Diary
Her first movie:

Born in 2000-03-28, is 162cm tall
From an idol group called Cypris Morpho (キプリスモルホォ)
Released in 2019-02-20
LCDV-40908 (MP4) is 2.42GB
LCDV-40908 - Special Movie (MP4) is 135MB
ISO is 4.23GB
The translation to the movie's name 虹色ダイアリー is Nijiiro Diary
The english translation is Rainbow Diary
Her first movie: