If you were hoping to stay spoiler free about the next Star Wars films it's
time to get off the internet.
Following up on yesterday's leak, TMZ has posted 22 more secret behind
the scenes photos from the Star Wars Episode 7 secret production studio
in the UK including our first glimpse of the Millennium Falcon's return.
With Harrison Ford returning for the sequels, we all kind of assumed the
Falcon would be making an appearance again but it doesn't make these
images any less exciting.
Especially when we also get a glimpse of what appears to be an updated and
evolved version of the X-wing hiding in the background of the studio.
Be sure to head over to TMZ for the rest of the revealing set pics.
For your information, TMZ said that the producers of "Star Wars: Episode VII"
preferring to go real special effects whenever possible, as was done in the
original trilogy, not to abuse computer technology.
In addition to the image of the giant beast, pictures of workers in the shoot
and some structures used as decorations were published.
MORE Things and INFO:
time to get off the internet.
Following up on yesterday's leak, TMZ has posted 22 more secret behind
the scenes photos from the Star Wars Episode 7 secret production studio
in the UK including our first glimpse of the Millennium Falcon's return.
With Harrison Ford returning for the sequels, we all kind of assumed the
Falcon would be making an appearance again but it doesn't make these
images any less exciting.
Especially when we also get a glimpse of what appears to be an updated and
evolved version of the X-wing hiding in the background of the studio.
Be sure to head over to TMZ for the rest of the revealing set pics.
For your information, TMZ said that the producers of "Star Wars: Episode VII"
preferring to go real special effects whenever possible, as was done in the
original trilogy, not to abuse computer technology.
In addition to the image of the giant beast, pictures of workers in the shoot
and some structures used as decorations were published.
MORE Things and INFO: