1. Lesbian only please!
2. Focus on USENET Newsgroups
3. Technical support welcomed, help us improve our posting
4. Post your spots and new finds here
5. Requests and scene IDs welcome
6. Torrents are also welcome
Hi, a few people asked about how to download and post to Usenet, so I will write a brief tutorial. I will not give every tiny detail, you can play with the software and figure it out. But this should definitely get you started…..
1. You need to get an account. I use usenetserver.com
2. Don’t fight this, just do it.
3. Get a newsreader program. I use “Grabit”. It’s super simple and free - http://www.shemes.com
4. Do the initial setup for grabit, set your download folder, etc.. Under Repair & Extract I like to set it to automatically extract my files and then remove PARs and archive files.
5. Add Usenetserver and put your login info. Then update all of the groups, this will take a few minutes.
6. Now you need to find and add the groups YOU want to follow. Don’t worry about how many groups there are, most of the posts are in just a few groups. Go to the All Groups tab and just search for “lesbian” then sort it by article count. Right click it and SUBSCRIBE. Do the same for “asian”. You want alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.lesbians & alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.asian.
7. Now you should have your two groups subscribed on the left-hand column. Click the update group button on the top. The very first time you will do a FULL update. After that you can do an incremental update. This will take a few minutes.
8. Now go to your group on the left. I like to sort by SUBJECT.
Ok so let’s talk about what is here. First of all there is some spam, so just highlight those and delete those. There are a few main posters who post in each group, you will learn who they are. There are two different kinds of posts. The main kind you will see a JPG. Double click that and it will save to your download directory. If you like what you see then highlight all of the related files and download them. Grab it will download them, unRAR them, and then delete the RARs automatically. It’s super easy. You can keep up with the two groups in less than 5 minutes a day.
The second kind of posts are called “Spots”. You will usually have a preview JPG and then an NZB for the post. And this takes us to the “NZB” issue. What is this dumb thing?!!! Basically it’s just a “pointer” file that tells the newsreader where all of the related posts are. A lot of people use NZBs to find things. Then they just run the NZB and the newsreader grabs all of the files. Let’s have a closer look at this….
I use this site to find the NZBs: http://www.binsearch.info
So let’s say we want to find something. Let’s search “ANND-“ to find all of the Anna and Hanako on Usenet! You will get a nice list. You want to look for the posts which show “collection” in GREEN.
Let’s click on the first one “ANND-010” and the forth one “ANND-008”. Look at the file sizes. The smaller ones are just the JPGs. With the two selected hit “Create NZB”. This will save a file to your computer.
If you are curious you can open it up in a text editor and see what’s going on inside the NZB. It’s just going to tell the newsreader where to go and what to get.
Go back to GrabIt, find the “Import NZB” button up top. Add your NZB file and hit GRAB! You are done. The newsreader will go out and get all of the pieces, and put them together for you.
So in summary there are two ways to find things. Manually update and select the posts you want. Or get an NZB and do it that way. It’s the same thing basically.
Here is a great tutorial that I used to learn how to upload:
In a nutshell:
1. name your files appropriately. I would recommend keeping each movie in its own directory or else you are going to get messed up!
2. install winRAR
3. install QuickPar - http://www.quickpar.org.uk/Download.htm
4. right-click on your large video file and create the RARs (see tutorial above) I am currently making my RAR files 50MBs each (50000000). You can create a profile with your settings for future use. You only make the RAR files for your large video file.
5. make the PAR files (see tutorial above for the settings). You only make the PAR files for your RAR files. These files are for reconstructing the RARs in case one is missing or something gets corrupted.
You only make the RARs and it's PARS from the large video files(s), your JPGS stay outside of the archive.
6. I am skipping the SFV & NFO steps completely
Finally, you just need this free software called “Powerpost” you can download it from here:
select the “Camelsystem powerpost ENGLISH” setup link under the download tab. Run it.
1. configure it under Options > Program Settings.
a. 1st tab - Put in news.usenetserver.com, your user/pass.
b. 2nd tab – make up a funny name for yourself
c. 3rd tab – add the two newsgroups you want to post to. I am posting to a.b.m.e.lesbians (with an S) and a.b.m.e.asian. These two groups have the highest volume of posts.
2. Drag in all of the files you want to post. This will be your covers and screens JPGs if any. All of your RAR and PAR files. Do not drag over the large video file you are not going to upload this!
3. Name the upload. By default it’s going to look something like “[07/50] filename yEnc” I add “Classic Lesbian JAV” or whatever to make it clearer once it’s posted.
4. Go to the 2nd tab and select the group(s) you want to post in.
5. Go to the last tab and select “create NZB” at the bottom (this is the pointer file we talked about before which makes it easy for people to find your post).
6. Do not have Powerpost make your PAR files, we did this manually before.
7. If you want to be anal about it you should put the files into the proper order, with the NZB first, then the JPGs, then all the RARs then all of the PARs last (there is a move up/down feature in the software).
There's a bit more detail on this and some screencaps on page 10 of this thread.
Once everything looks good in the main window, just click the POST button up top and let it do it’s thing. It takes me about 1-2 hours to upload one complete post.
I know this seems ridiculously complicated compared to just clicking a “rapidshare” link, but trust me after a few uploads and learning the software you will be up and running. Once things are setup then it’s super simple.
There is a LOT to explore on Usenet in just the 2 groups I mentioned above so have fun!
Anyone with more information please feel free to share.