Looking for a good History Anime...


New Member
Mar 26, 2011
Would anyone be so kind to recommend a good History based anime. I am really looking for something that covers a theme much like that of the anime series Kingdom.

Ideally I would like to have a male protagonist if possible... Just relate better in honest.

Thank you to any who are able to give me some sound suggestions.

Souten Kouro tells the Chinese story of the famous Romance of the Three Kingdoms from Cao Cao / Sou Sou's perspective as the protagonist, and it was a really awesome ride all the way through. Cao Cao is extremely charismatic, his ambition and rise to power are great and the big battles are damn exciting as well. A very underappreciated, fairly recent Madhouse work.

Then you have Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which is a more dated anime from the 90s and I haven't watched it yet, but I've heard it is really good and quite loyal to the original book. There is a 2010 remake of this anime, but unfortunately nobody has taken up the task of subbing it.
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Would anyone be so kind to recommend a good History based anime.

I am not crazy about historical fiction, we get enough of that in history books. About all I have seen I have shared in the anime torrent section, though there are a few I haven't. Maybe you should try something lighter? Anyway, good luck on finding what you are looking for and Tsu....hit the thanks button once in awhile, let other members know you appreciate what they share.
Sengoku Basara series , Nobunaga series and another Sengoku type anime forgot the name ...
If you want to watch comedy type historical anime just watch Gintama XD
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"Intrigue in the Batumatsu" has a lot of historical references, although it seems to be more of an action anime.