Looking for JAV where the couple's making out but they hear someone coming so both pretend to sleep...


New Member
Jul 11, 2010
I've only seen two examples of this type of story so far. It's probably a school outing or weekend training.

The first one is where the boyfriend and girlfriend are making out at night and are about to have sex when they hear someone open the door to their room. Both pretend to sleep, and the intruder (maybe one of their teammates) crawls to the girlfriend and starts caressing her more. The couple keeps pretending to sleep until the guy finishes and leaves. The JAV itself has several chapters with different couples but the same theme.

The second one is the team manager is married, and there's this team member who's really into her, but it seems he can't get any. During training camp, the guy finally convinces her to give him a handjob. They all share a room with the other team members. Later, the other team members go all the way with the manager. But the poor guy was lucky to get at least a blowjob from her.

Does anyone know the codes for the two examples and are there any more?