Looking for the Latest Tentacle Porn Hentai Animes (2009-2013)


Suffers from semenly incurable Narutophilia
Dec 7, 2012
hiding in Sakura Haruno's panties drawer
Hi there ! :hi:

:poor:I've been kinda running out of good material these days so I'm turning to you guys who know so much about hentai anime to help me find some of the latest (and good) hentai anime featuring tentacle action !! :please: If possible released between 2009 and 2013 ! I really enjoyed Ikusa Otome, Inyouchuu , Mahou Shoujo Ai, Ma Ga Ochiru Yoru if that can help advising me ^^

Thank you so muuch !!:notagain:
You missed at least an easy one, "Tentacle and Witches" :pandalaugh:

For a comprehensive check, I would use the "tentacle" category of aniDB (you need to be registered to see the adult titles):


Then select the "show only 18+ Content" option, and sort by airing date to access the recent titles.
You rule bro! :grassdance: merci beaucoup!!