

New Member
May 10, 2009
I am asking if anyone else is having the problem I am having. Every time I come to this forum I am hit with JS/Redirector.M Malware (trojan). I thank god my security quarantines it. I was on last night for about an hour or so and was hit 204 x's. I have deleted any downloads I got from here thinking it might have an exe extension file attached to any jpgs or media files and I still get hit. I can't run my clean cache because it freezes when it hits a file that I tried to download from here but could'nt. I run search files and folders for this file name and it can't be found. I can surf the internet all night with no problems. As soon as I come to Akiba-online I start getting hit. To tell you the truth I feel this is a personel hit against me. I did nothing wrong to envolk such treatment. I'm sorry I can't offer any new media files because this forum has about everything out there that there is to offer and then some. All I can do is offer myself as a seed through torrents, but I can't even do that. Could someone if you have any knowledge of this type of problem, could you please let me know how to get rid of this. My life really sucks and this sight is the only thing that keeps my mind off all the things that are tarring my very soul to peices.
I don't care what Mal wears as long as it skimpy!
Thats rich

As depressed as I am when I read that heading you don't care what Mal wears as long as it's skimpy I had to laugh. That is rich. Thanks for the smile.