Mars Meteorite Structures: Optimism for Alien Life ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
This scanning electron microscope image shows speroidal features embedded in a layer of iddingsitea mineral
formed by action of water, in a meteorite that came from Mars.


A meteorite from Mars has been studied up-close and scientists have detected tiny structures that could
be interpreted as having a biological origin.

This moment of déjà vu is brought to you by a new paper published in the February issue of Astrobiology
where a team of scientists from NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston Texas, and the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., describe the results of workon a 14 kilogram (30 pound) meteorite called
Yamato 000593 (Y000593).

The meteorite sample contains strong evidence that Mars used to be a lot wetter than it is now, but the
researchers also report on the discovery of evidence for " biological processes " that occurred on the
Red Planet hundreds of millions of years ago.

Although this sounds exciting, there will likely be some skepticism, but the researchers appear to have
foreseen the media circus that " Mars life " always inspires and refused to appear overly excited of some
pretty fascinating evidence for ancient microbial life.

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