Released in 2014-11-28.
MP4 is 1.88GB
ISO is 4.14.GB
Born in 1994-11-30 & is 157cm tall.
She has released at least two other idol movies, one of them has been shared before.
She ALSO has released some AV movies under the name of Takanashi Megumi (高梨めぐみ)!
If people want I can make a set torrent from all of her works that I have been able to find?

MP4 is 1.88GB
ISO is 4.14.GB
Born in 1994-11-30 & is 157cm tall.
She has released at least two other idol movies, one of them has been shared before.
She ALSO has released some AV movies under the name of Takanashi Megumi (高梨めぐみ)!
If people want I can make a set torrent from all of her works that I have been able to find?