Boys Love 1
Plot: Akira Mamiya (Kotani Yoshikazu) is just a normal magazine editor living a normal life, but everything changes when he meets high school model Kisaragi Noeru (Saito Takumi). During their interview, Noeru’s behavior is reckless and rude, but Mamiya is intrigued by his beautiful drawing of the ocean. Mamiya invites Noeru out to dinner and the two quickly hit it off, until Noeru makes it clear he’s looking for more than friendship. The next day Mamiya goes to Noeru’s house to apologize and finds him with an unsavory older man. Mamiya realizes then that his interest in Noeru is also deeper than he had imagined.
Plot: Akira Mamiya (Kotani Yoshikazu) is just a normal magazine editor living a normal life, but everything changes when he meets high school model Kisaragi Noeru (Saito Takumi). During their interview, Noeru’s behavior is reckless and rude, but Mamiya is intrigued by his beautiful drawing of the ocean. Mamiya invites Noeru out to dinner and the two quickly hit it off, until Noeru makes it clear he’s looking for more than friendship. The next day Mamiya goes to Noeru’s house to apologize and finds him with an unsavory older man. Mamiya realizes then that his interest in Noeru is also deeper than he had imagined.