Muslims in Japan


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2013
Do Muslims in Japan pray 5 times per day there? Do you have any Muslim friends, or colleagues that are there in Japan?
No, they jack off 5 times a day, seriously what kind of question is that?

Are you retarded or something? you started a discussion thread, people replied but you didn't give any respon and leave then start a new thread just to ask another stupid question.
Normally these types of posts are done by human spammers (not to be confused with spambots) that pretend to get involved, then after a few days they flood your forum with advertisements.

But in this case, the advertisements never came. Maybe just an IQ problem?

Only ones with IQ problems are you guys who haven't used the ignore function on him and keep replying.
He's too fun to ignore, Oscar I ignore some on here, but not Muz. :D
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a weeks worth of muzzle on Muz, for the latest stupid question, I did delete it,

but for those who want to know his work of non art
Are Japanese women horny

I know it is unrelated to this thread, but I did not want to start another
  • Haha
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