Need to find the name of a hentai anime


Jun 27, 2008
From what I can recall this is what happens:

Starts off with a sex scene between a man and a woman. The man is the boss and the lady asks for extra pay, they have a conversation while having sex and she is told by her boss that he is paying her extra through sex.

Then he wants to go to some detective job on some island or something. Young girl is introduced, wants to have sex with the man.

Another lady is introduced, has sex with the man, during sex he discovered some kind of secret operation that is stealing money from the owners.

I believe this is around 2 episodes or something. I don't know if this information is helpful or not.
i would really like to help you out given that you went through all the trouble to describe the story but i don't watch the story of hens anymore. so tell you what, open the file with media player classic and go to File and click Save Image... at the title of the movie. then just post the image here so we'll have a better chance of identifying it

Thats the problem, I lost the video and I don't remember the name =(
like pinkslave said : 幻夢館 - Genmukan: The Sin of Desire & Shame (title licensed)
detective job is look for a ruby ring in a island, dual audio version rip by group ASS-Hentai