New forum for bizare content

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Every now and then some of those disgusting scat or vomit videoa are being posted in one of the regular forums.

In my opinion, if any member does this - even if it is accidental - the consequence should be an immediate kick and ban.

Another thing is, today there is a forum called "Fetish" reserved for unusual videos. I do not think that the above themes fit into this forum, but instead it should have its own forum called "Bizare" or whatever, which is reserved for scat and vomit.

Anyways, why the hell does AO permit scat and vomit? It has absolutely NOTHING to do with sex or porn; it is just tasteless snuff videos.

I think (hope) that it is an absolutely minimum of people in here, who gets a turn on seeing someone shitting or throwing up (why the hell does anyone get a turn on by that??????!!!!?????)

And therefore I suggest that you either reject this niche or gives the videos its own niche, so that the rest of us are securely protected from seeing somthing truely disgusting when visiting the regular forums.

TIA/ Spartacus
I love things to be orderly and neat. It is great to have every fetish video properly sorted. I'm sure the mods would love it too.

However, and I mean no offense, all these words:

... disgusting ... kick ... ban ... unusual ... "Bizare" ... why the hell ... tasteless ... reject ... truely disgusting ...

sound like it could be the opinion of a regular person about an otaku, geek or many things Akiba-like.

And whenever I read;

... permit ... securely protected ...

I feel a bit alarmed.

There are fetishes I dislike but I like being among people who are different like me more. I understand though their are things one just does not want to see, even if it is not the same for everyone.

I do wonder why people post these videos mistakingly in the main JAV Torrents forum. Maybe it would improve if this main forum is a sub-forum too, something like 'non-fetish JAV Torrents' and maybe a lot of people would dislike for it to be turned into a sub-forum. Or a 'what has been seen can not be unseen' announcement to ask people to pay extra attention to other people's dislikes.
We do our bets to move them to the fetish forum as soon we see erroneous posts or get reports of them.
However, to implement a new definition on the word fetish would have to be left to others in greater command of the English language than myself.

I personally see no need for a forum change, but perhaps adding a note in the tag or title to the content will allow users not to need click on the link to see what it is.

Since I'm moderating too, I click on everything I see at times, if I can read it or not, and so see a lot more than one asks for at times. The fact remains, a fetish is a fetish, be it more or less bizarre than others fetishes.

I mean, they even had puking stuff displayed on Jerry Springer many, many years ago, so if it's good enough for mainstream TV, I guess a note in the title should suffice.
Other forums I've joined simply had 'warning' text on the thread title, be it a scat, vomit or futanari video. So yeah, I agree with techie. The problem lies on members who post these videos. They have yet to be informed that such measures are in need of implementation.
Wow. For a forum that caters to people who like to watch 8 year old girls traipse around in bikinis, I would not have expected a statement such as the OP's.

I guarantee you there are PLENTY of people out there who think YOU are a sick f*ck for enjoying the things you do (whatever that is.) So why waste your time worrying about what other people like?

FWIW, IMO, scat and puke are fetishes. They may go a to more extremes than the OP is comfortable with, but they remain fetishes and should have their home in the fetish forum. I do think they should be labeled as well, but I think all posts should be labeled with their content.
I think Spartacus' comments are small-minded and naive. An immediate ban for a member just because a video is accidentally posted in the wrong section is not the end of the world.

Regarding "bizarre" themes, if Spartacus expects everyone to conform to his tastes and limitations then he's in for a big disappointment.
Oh.... I know exactly what you mean when I open a thread and it's one of those disgusting scat vids with a vomit topping, when all I wanna see is a nice warm and fuzzy r*** vid. :snicker2:

The solution might be, "Don't open the thread when it has the words "scat" and "vomit" in the title."

Seriously, I'm not really into that stuff time I did watch a clip of a girl doing a outdoor scat scene and it didn't turn me on per se, but rather had me in a state of awe and jealously at the length and thickness of her healthy evacuation.
I hadn't had one of those in years! :cry:
This is incredible.
Guys .... Some of you are really sick.
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Yeah you guys, You should be more wholesome like 2009AAA9002 is.
Take a gander at the 3 Elmer video pic galleries he shared in this thread.
Sick is, as Sick does.... :bow-pray:
No need for personal attacks guys. Scat and vomit videos belong in the fetish section but sometimes they will be posted in the wrong section. We try to check for this and warn/ban those who repeatedly post in the wrong section.
I'd expect more tolerance for ANY fetish in a forum where one can find many movies about severe sexual abuse of bonded women or about pre-adolescent schoolgirls in G-strings etc. Everybody has his fetish, and don't expect that anybody sees YOUR fetish as something normal. Maybe it hurts my feelings to see previews of incest movies or mature women with saggy tits or big pregnant bellies. Ofcourse it doesn't, but I hope you get what I want to say.

Anyhow where is the limit for permissible movies? Some people think anal sex is sick, other get sick seeing anilingus or a woman peeing. BTW: Providing movies with any body fluids is punishable in Switzerland (a small country in the middle of Europe) and BTW a lot of Hentai is punishable in Australia or in the U.S.A. ( But who cares!? The Internet should be free (yes, we know, it is not). But WE should keep it free and shouldn't be each others jugde. Just keep in mind when you are in a PORN section without the titel "Christian vaginal sex of married couples", you have to expect any kind of stuff and some may be strange and extreme for you. That's the risk when you look for porn cauz what you wanna see is not what others wanna see.

So as I don't care what movies you use to jack off, don't care what others like and try to read the titels of the postings before you open them, even your blood went during looking for porn from the brain to the cock and your brain is undersupplied with oxygene. (Eat more spinach!)

To ask for kicking and banning because of a different sexual taste than your's is in the worst case an attack on the sexual self-determination of anybody else and in the best case simply fascism against minorities.

Have a nice day! Peace!

Scat and vomit videos belong in the fetish section but sometimes they will be posted in the wrong section. We try to check for this and warn/ban those who repeatedly post in the wrong section.

There is only a fetish section for torrents, not for direct downloads. I would welcome it if there would be a fetish section too.
Every now and then some of those disgusting scat or vomit videoa are being posted in one of the regular forums.

In my opinion, if any member does this - even if it is accidental - the consequence should be an immediate kick and ban.

Thank goodness your "Opinion" counts for NOTHING !!!! and all you other would be censors, why on earth you think just because you don't like it the world is the same, you are as bad a the many dictators of the world, "lets get rid of the Jews" "All Muslims are terrorists" we hear it every day and most of us.... at least those with the courage to speak out, are so "sick" of hearing it we could "vomit".
1000's of Monks were killed in Burma last year, did you wtite about it, should this kind of news not be reported in case we offend some one's prejudices.
Really, you should be ashamed to write such drivel in a thread, let alone condone censorship in any form !!!!
Take care !!!!
puke and scat only are human, we were born with this "defect" just like all other animals on this planet too. For someone who has to change the diapers of just born children or of old people who cannot do it still on their own it is just normal. It´s just part of our life, just like sex. We possibly can live without sex, but not without scat...
Nothing new to add to the conversation but I agree with most of what's been said. While they are perfectly acceptable to have here at akiba it should be clearly noted in the thread title in either if not both English and or Japanese. While I'm not into these fetishes there are millions of others that are and we will cater to their needs here as best we can.
Users posting any titles in the wrong forums are first warned and then potentially banned. The first time, for most content doesn't warrant an instant ban. There are of course exceptions to this and other rules. There is a method that will keep you and the other happy, that's clear and concise thread titles.
Other forums I've joined simply had 'warning' text on the thread title, be it a scat, vomit or futanari video. So yeah, I agree with techie. The problem lies on members who post these videos. They have yet to be informed that such measures are in need of implementation.