New Suggestions


Sep 7, 2008
  1. bring back the tags
  2. bring back the tables
  3. get rid off the rounded avatars in dark theme
  4. increase the size for attachments and add some info for max size for each file as before
  5. add gif animation support for avatars
  6. bring back the mobile/phone theme (it was cool)
  7. Make me administrator ;)
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I know that there was a maximum in the old vBulletin based AO forum for attachments. But I didn't know that there is also one here. :o
In this case it would really a good idea to display that maximum size value somewhere.

And at the beginning of the XenForo based AO forum you even could use attachments in conversations. But it seems that this was disabled recently. :(
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working on most of them
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damn I forgot to say you missed the smileys
even will work with hashtags :D

Tables nearly as in vb:
Tables made easy: (confirmed that it will work on 1.3)

3) too lazy to post the css-fix :D

5) Animation is available in xenforo. Probably the import of the avatars has disabled it.

6) xenforo has lot's of dynmaic themes (even the Rei-one here)
but most of them will need some css addons, e.g. to decrese the avatar-size
thank you, we are working slowly through lot of things at the moment
Don't know, probably I'm alone on this, but I'd like to have the number of pages a thread has to be displayed permanently. Right now it only works using mouse-over. It would make it a bit faster to navigate.
How about a "Cooking" section. Everybody has to eat and I am sure many members cook. We could have a "Japanese recipes" section and maybe even sections for our members that live elsewhere like an "International recipes" section. Kind of like a cultural exchange thing.

This is a Neo-Otaku forum afterall, maybe we could garner some interest here to share with each other on the subject of cooking. Maybe not. It is an idea though......
Don't know, probably I'm alone on this, but I'd like to have the number of pages a thread has to be displayed permanently. Right now it only works using mouse-over. It would make it a bit faster to navigate.

I got the impression that it is defaulted, and at this present time may not be able to be changed
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Don't know, probably I'm alone on this, but I'd like to have the number of pages a thread has to be displayed permanently. Right now it only works using mouse-over. It would make it a bit faster to navigate.

I got the impression that it is defaulted, and at this present time may not be able to be changed
well. small first fix could be this one:

.discussionListItem .itemPageNav {
  visibility: visible !important;
though, not a nice one.
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Dear Admin,

Glad to see Akiba-online is back with the new look, but seems like there is no more preview mode that the old site used to have for the download pages. The preview mode was awesome to quickly browse or check out new posts, so I wish we can have the preview mode back.

Thank you!
I should had mentioned the albums and groups
bbcode support for comments in profiles and adding more time for editing PMs instead of few minutes after submit it

Also someone suggested an increase of avatar, i dont care about that but, what about signatures, some are too big, bigger than the post content (per example coolkevin) and bigger than ads, I dont mind big in width, but in high its a bit too much for me
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for the signatures: This has to be a whole staff-decision.
i won't entforce like smaller signatures. They have to discuss this & then they have to do this :D

You can switch off all signatures, if you want:
klick on your name (on the top right),
then preferences
then you should find there like show singautes with the messages
uncheck this box & you are done :)
add the forum leaders list as before
there is a staff member list but only show 3
or add the rest of the moderators to the staff group
Current Mods
alphabetical order


that is all the staff + C00lzero (the brains)

nice find on the albums though thank you
For the list:
we just had to tick on "staff member" and they will be shown there.

for the add-on:
this one isn't supported anymore - which is rather bad, since we got a lot of people trying to hack us
the next question is: do we really need this?
Albums would be fun and add to the enjoyment of being a member at Akiba-Online but I would not dare to claim it as a need. I probably had the largest album collection here, if I may be so bold as to claim but other members seemed to find enjoyment in it as well. I used to peruse the albums and members who frequented different sections and who rarely participated in other ways found a way to participate here by uploading photos of there favorite JAV, Idol stars, hentai, lolicon or screens and even animated gifs. Chompy had a nice album of photos taken in Japan himself. Albums also give members a base to share the same images multiple times without uploading them by linking to them via BBCode, either as a thumb or full image (although I suppose we could do that anyway already).

So the only real question is if it is worth the hassle on your end.
i'm going to talk with @chompy if he's willing to spend ~65 US-$ to buy this add-on (for the first year - following years will be 20 pound)
(or if someone from you is willing to donate this amount, i won't say no :D )

at least this looks nice :)
(and when we are installing this, we can upgrade to the new XenForo-Version :) )