

New Member
Jul 7, 2010
Hi All,

as a newbie please can someone tell me how to join the avis posted in the nurai section.:puzzled:

Thank you
Hello there! :hi: Welcome to the forum!

This question might be better suited for the tech support section, so don't be alarmed if it gets moved by a mod. :attention:

In regards to your question, gravyslime is right, we could use a bit more info on which vid you mean. If you can link to or state where you found it on the forum, we can get a better idea of how to help.

You can also take a look at this thread. It should give you a bit of an overview of what file joining apps are out there.

Good luck. :ok:
:gayprance: A little late, but :hi: and welcome to the Akiba Online community! Hope you enjoy your stay.
Glad to have you here!