NHDTA-315 Has One Hot Mama


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012

... Whom I would appreciate your getting to the bottom of.

Cream Pie Perverts 5 [NHDTA-315] has four scenes with five actresses, breaking down as such: 1. Ayaka Tomoda 2. Kurumi Ogiwara (daughter) 3. Mirei Yokoyama 4. Riona Minami. (I.D.s courtesy of Sougouwiki.)

As luck would have it, the one I was drawn to happened to be the odd woman out, as far as the identifications. She is in the second scene, where a mother and daughter are targeted.







Full lips, and very beautiful. It's hard to believe she has not been in other things. The big teeth brought Mary Tyler Moore to mind.


She has a great body, too, with nice full breasts.

Here is a 2.0 GB Videomega stream, along with possible direct download links (which I have not checked).

Thank you for your time, and brainpower.

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Thank you, C0cac0la and CodeGeek!

Do you know what else I give you credit for, C0cac0la? If I were to try and help someone around here and I read that they had already checked out Sougouwiki to no avail, I would have taken them at their word. You? Noooo-o-o... luckily you didn't trust me, and had to see for yourself.

(You are so sharp, now I feel extra sorry that Climate Change is slowly making you extinct.)

coca cola polar.jpg

If you come back here and read this, maybe you can do me (and others who happen by) one more favor. (And you too, Codegeek. Ladies and gentlemen, Codegeek was the one who had turned me on to Sougouwiki in the first place, a long time ago.)

Where did I go wrong? When I put the DVD code into Sougouwiki, I got this page:



In turn, NHDTA-315's "ACTRESS" column instructed to click on "Another Page," which was the series page:



The ACTRESS box informs (with the actresses' order in appearance):


The second scene is what we want, which is: 萩原くるみ・母

The first name (萩原くるみ) is the actress who plays the daughter, and the "母" symbol means "Mother," signifying that the actress playing the mother is unknown.

(Oh, look; I never noticed this before, but in the second column, which is "SUBTITLE," we've got Japanese lettering that looks like they could pass for names, divided as they are into separate sections... and putting them through the translator, they are in fact the descriptions of the characters. Specifically, "Neat college student / fair elegant mother daughter / sensitive busty OL / black hair schoolgirl"... isn't that cool?)

So how exactly did you go from NHDTA-315 to the lady we were looking for?


I've got a theory. When one first puts the DVD code into the search box, in this case we get this:


I always go for the item featuring the DVD code, in this case, the fourth item:
...Instead of the Japanese lettering, which stands for the names of the individual actresses. I can see now that the next-to-last one happened to be our actress.

Is that the way you went from the DVD code to the page of our actress? This would be a very time-consuming way to utilize Sougouwiki... I hope you will tell us there is a better way.

I've run into past Sougouwiki instances where I discovered actresses indeed are listed on their individual pages, but not always among the cast in some of their movies. It's frustrating.


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Yeah I've found that sougouwiki is a bit inconsistent sometimes. That's the reason I did a recheck after you said you had checked on sougouwiki already.
Sometimes you will find the video listed under the person's page but not under the actual video or vice versa.
Sometimes if you check the video listed under another actress's page, it might provide more names.

Basically, the association with actresses and movies are not always synced together. Different places may yield different results.
I suspect this is a fundamental design flaw in how sougouwiki is storing its data.

But to answer your question, yes I just looked through the search results and I noted that there were 5-6 entries that looked like they were actress page results rather than the page for the series.
So I just went through each and checked off the ones you already found. Used minnanoav to quickly search by their japanese name to get both their romanized names and profile pic.

Anyway, the ironic thing about my nickname is that I hardly drink Coca-Cola anymore.
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Thank you, C0cac0la.

This is a very peculiar coincidence, but I was checking out something earlier, and came upon the Minnano-av.com site (consciously) for the first time. Now that you mentioned this site, I looked more carefully and I can see its value. My method of trying to figure out Japanese actress names was through Google Translator, and I can see the results from this site (with the correct English-language names coming right up) are instant. So thanks for that, too.

Also, you sure deserve thanks for the time you've been spending in this section, helping out clueless folk like me. So even if you don't as often drink the soft drink that can be used as a paint remover, you are an okay Joe.

I guess the point is that Sougouwiki is a Wiki system. Means it simply consists of articles (more or less plain text) which contains some links on each other. It's not a database in aspect of a relational database (RDMBS) in which data is (or at least "can") in relation to each other. E.g. if an actress appear in a movie, that movie is automatically also listed at that actress' page.

In a Wiki you have to enter the name of actress at the movie, then go to the article of the actress and add the movie there. And they you have to hold it consist by hand. Means if another actress is identified in that movie you have to enter that at the movie, the actress who was already identified and the newly identified actress. If you have a movie with 6, 8 or more actresses... have a lot of fun.

I often also see that the actress is mentioned in many movies, but doesn't have an actress page. Also not optimal. And so on, and so on. ;)
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So the man who taught me about Sougouwiki obviously has better than a surface understanding of the site's ins and outs. Now when I encounter an actress' blank page (as I've done many times), I will not assume the actress is a "nobody." Most revealing. Thank you, Gentleman Codegeek.
