Non-conventional video editing/combining


Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008
I’m thinking something like this is a pipe dream, but…

Has anyone come across a video editing program, utility, script that can combine video files that have staggered starting points without much user intervention? Any “smart” apps out there?

For example, if I have VideoA (1 minute clip) and VideoB (1 minute clip) that are the two parts to make up VideoC…but the true complete time for the output is 1 minute 58 seconds, not 2 minutes. VideoB starts at the frames that are at the 58 second mark in VideoA. So, VideoB should have been only 58 seconds long but begins with the included last 2 seconds found in VideoA. I’m wondering if there is a way to correctly combine the two into 1 minute 58 seconds.

I realize I can use a program (I used to use Pinnacle) to import the two and try to cut/splice as best I can, but that becomes laborious if I find myself with a whole bunch of chunks that have this occurrence. But that might be my only option.

Perhaps (and I’m hopeful) someone knows of something that might help with this kind of situation. Thanks for your time!

You can't cut most videos exactly where you want without re-encoding them because of how their compression works so you'll lose a bit of quality by doing so or it almost certainly won't fit perfectly.

I don't know of any software that can do this automatically so as far as I know, you're stuck with doing this manually.
I'd suggest asking on the doom9 forum. If it exist, someone there probably knows about it.
I used to have a working version but then something happened on my PC. MPC stopped working and so did this. I managed to get MPC working again but this never did. I'll have to figure that out. Thanks!