[Old News] A 28-year-old Korean guy married his pillow back in 2010


Akiba Citizen
Sep 13, 2015
Yes, you read that right. But it's not just any pillow - it's a dakimakura. If you don't know what that is; first off, welcome to the club, and secondly (and more importantly) it's a large pillow with a character on it, usually from anime. In this particular case, it's an image of Fate Testarossa, a character from the anime Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. Yeah, I've never heard about it either, but apparently, the guy loves that girl (or pillow?) very much. So much, in fact, that he takes it (her?) with him everywhere he goes, and yeah, he eventually married her (it?). There was a proper ceremony and everything. I thought that it couldn't get any weirder than this, but the article ends with the reporter mentioning that this "is not the first similarly-themed unusual marriage in recent times – it comes after a Japanese otaku married his virtual girlfriend, Nene Anegasaki, a character who only exists in the Nintendo DS game Love Plus, last November (2009)."

I think I summed up the article pretty well, but you can click here to read the short article.

What a world we live in, huh? Well, now I only need to decide which photo of Cyndi Wang I'll have printed on my pillow.
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